Monday, May 9, 2011

No Way! Really?

Why Miami? Has been the question we've gotten quite a bit lately.

Well, about 20-22 years ago, when Wendy and I first got married, I was sleeping and had a dream. It was of an old motel with palm trees that Wendy and I were operating as a ministry to help people. I didn't understand the dream totally, but, it was very vivid and impressed me quite a bit, as I don't usually remember my dreams.

The next day we were driving along and I started explaining it to Wendy. She was in shock! I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I had that same vision a couple years ago! I know where that is! It's in Miami!" Well we reveled in that for quite a while. At the time we were living/traveling with a ministry group and the dream came up in our conversation quite a bit and we felt like we needed to act on it. However the leader of the ministry felt it was a bit of a distraction for us and told us we needed to just forget the vision at that time and that God would bring it about in his timing. So, that's what we did, we totally buried the vision.

Fast forward 20 plus years to about six months ago, I had the dream again. So we started praying about it and all signs point to Miami. The difference this time is we're a bit more equipped. For the past 3 to 4 years we have known God was going to have us start a church, we just didn't know when and we didn't know where.

Of course we've been praying for confirmation on this decision, I asked God to bring Miami up every day in other peoples conversations in our ear shot. The most dramatic was within a week, Wendy was loading groceries into the mini van at Walmart and a car stopped right behind her and a lady jumped out and ran up to her and said "I thought you were going to Florida today!" Wendy turned around and looked at her and said, "do we know each other?" The lady, a little embarrassed said, "Ooops,  I thought you were someone else" and got back into her car and left.

...... nough said

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