Thursday, May 12, 2011


Mother Teresa's gnarled feet from always
wearing the wrong size shoe after giving
all the good shoes away.
 Today we read Romans 13 in the Verve Reading Plan. Verve's commentary on today's reading is pretty good too. It got me thinking that we have a tendency to search after knowledge, which is good, but the lack of knowledge can become an excuse for inaction. So often I've heard things from Christians like "I go to church to learn about God" and "I don't really share my faith at work because I don't know enough about God to sound like I know what I'm talking about" and "I wish there were a program or a ministry that I could get involved in, if only I had some training".

So my questions are this:

How much knowledge must you have to -

        feed someone?
        serve someone?
        love someone?

knowledge is great, but, wisdom is greater (so say the proverbs) if we look past our deficiencies we can usually find someone who needs love and you don't need to be qualified or certified to love them either.

Why don't you take just a minute and ask God to give you true compassion for others, but, be careful, 'cause it might just change your life.

1 comment:

  1. It changed my life in an absolute way. God is the one who "qualifies" us and gives us the strength to accomplish His kingdom here on earth.
