Wednesday, March 13, 2013

wall flower

I love how God makes himself available to everyone. He is not an exclusive God, available only to "his elect" but casts his love wide, calling out to everyone, as evidenced so much in the Bible and in every day life.

About 10 or 15 years ago we went to visit a church in Columbia, Missouri. It was a charismatic church and during the service at one point it was time for prayer. So, we all stood up and the lady that was talking started praying, then she started talking in a different language then her demeanor changed and she shouted out some sort of prophesy. Then she squinted her eyes and squatted down a little while holding her hand out, waving it around like she was Spider-Man and in true Benny Hinn style, the WHOLE audience fell over like a wave had pushed them down, EVERYONE! 

Everyone, except me. I looked around at all these people lying down "slain in the spirit" and then looked back at her. Then she double whammied me, but, I still stood. She reached way back to Texas and triple whammied me, but, I still stood.

I don't know what the purpose of everyone falling over was, but, it made me feel like I was not part of the club and that I was not qualified to hear or even pray to God. It took a little while but God showed me how that simply was not true.

Have you ever felt like you were on the outside and God wasn't anywhere to be found? This might be hard to believe, but, it's simply not true. God not only hears you, he wants to hear from you. I'd like to suggest you take the epic challenge, see for your self how much God loves you just as you are.

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