Monday, May 2, 2011

Jesus freaks

Last night we learned that US forces had found and eliminated Usama bin Laden, who ten years ago was setting in motion the single largest terrorist attack on US soil that killed nearly 3000 people. There seemed to be a joy in the reporters voices as they were breaking the story. Reports of celebrations breaking out in Washington D.C. and at ground zero have been coming in.

Yet with all this euphoria, I can't help but think of what it says in Proverbs 24:17. It says "Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice." SAY WHAT? - This seems to go contrary to the classic "good vs. evil" scenario. I mean when the good guys finally win, after an epic Hollywood struggle, there is always celebration in the streets.That's the normal way we react when our enemy falls and we re-live it every super bowl, every world series and every NBA championship. Shoot, I get excited when I win a chess game!

In studying the life of Jesus, I've seen how he is so different than the status quo. At one point he said "the law says 'an eye for an eye', but, I say love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you." How amazing and strangely bazaar! He also said, "if a soldier makes you carry his pack a mile, carry it two". I guess that was a huge problem back then with soldiers. He also said "don't return evil for evil".

All of these statements from Jesus were reiterations of living a life of Love. However, he didn't just preach it, he lived it. The apostle Paul, wrote in Romans 5 that hardly will another die for a righteous man; and it's rare that one would lay down their life for a good man, however when we were still sinners (the enemies of God), Jesus died for us.

It's this kind of love that's turning the world upside down. It's this kind of love that is going to turn Miami upside down. It's this kind of love that will turn your life upside down.

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