Monday, June 20, 2011

like it's 1999

In our little town of Fulton, just East of Columbia, Missouri, we have a weekend festival down town. It’s very originally called "The Fulton Street Fair" and is gaining in popularity because of a couple of events that draw people, like the ice cream social, the 5k run, the mule auction and subsequent mule race, the Miss Callaway County pageant, a parade, a kids bike ride, the live music, the cloggers, the bottomless beer truck and the mutton sandwiches. All this culminates in a day and a half of festivities. What’s really interesting about the street fair is that the excitement leading up to it builds all year long. People love it! They plan their lives around it and because of it, you feel like you live in a community of people that cares about each other.

It reminds me of the first book of the bible (Genesis) when God is creating everything and it’s all good. Then he sees a problem - man is alone, and that’s NOT good. That’s right, God says it’s NOT good for people to be alone. So, when we move to Miami, the 4th rudest city in the nation, we are going to PAR-TAY! Oh yeah!, we are going to throw neighborhood block parties and beach parties and Bar-B-Q’s and have festivities that, though they may see silly, will bring people together. All in an effort to create community where people feel like they belong and finally feel like they are not alone, because that’s not good.

Please pray that out block parties are a huge success in reaching people for Jesus!

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