Thursday, June 2, 2011

dirty words

Growing up, we kids were not allowed to watch PG movies. Usually because of the language and the bare naked ladies that seemed to make it into the PG movies of the 70's and early 80's. With kids being highly impressionable, I guess our parents didn't really want to explain to the neighbors why their kids were streaking through the neighborhood droppin the "F" bomb on them. So, this set in course the anticipation of the PG movies being shown on NBC - CBS - ABC fully edited. We found with this editing, the movie producers were able to come up with some pretty interesting words to voice over the original cuss words. Giving us kids great new substitute cuss words that we could say anywhere.
For instance here are some words you would hear instead of the normal cuss words:

"darn it"
"mother lover"
and my personal favorite (duh-of course I have a favorite) is: "slug in-a-ditch". It just feels good rolling off your tongue, go ahead, try it, slug in-a-ditch ........ see?

Using substitute expletives didn't really change the feelings we had, it just masked them, making us a little more acceptable to society as a whole. Of course the parents catch on pretty quick and a stern rebuke after an ill timed "Oh Crap!" is sure to follow. All of this was just a precursor of things to come, because, our language isn't the only thing we mask. We mask our hurts, our pains our vulnerabilities, we guard our hearts and hide true feelings, good or bad, for fear of a stern rebuke.

Which is why it's always good to get around your old friends that know you for who you are and accept you for who you are. You get around them and "let your hair down" so to speak. No walls, no guarded emotions, just you, living out loud.

King David, knew what it was like to live life out loud. As he was bringing the Ark of the Covenant home to Jerusalem, he danced the whole way, stripped down to his underwear, all sweaty and dirty. His wife, understandably, gave a sharp rebuke when he entered the city. He replied, that he didn't care what anyone thought, he did it for God. It's no wonder God said this was a man after his own heart. He was open, authentic and totally honest with God and it didn't matter who saw it. This is the kind of friendship God wants with us, open, authentic and totally honest.

When we move to Miami to start a church, it'll be a church where there are no high expectations of where someone should be in life. It'll just be open, authentic and honest, living life out loud. A place where you can come as you are.

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