Tuesday, January 31, 2012

in the saddle

Along with getting into a good transitional house we now have a kitchen suitable for cooking. So we were able, for the first time since getting back from Missouri, to cook and serve breakfast  this last Saturday morning. We were not sure if anyone would show up, so we were surprised and glad when a dozen people came.

What was really awesome was the time we all spent just talking around the table. Getting their stories and listening to their struggles. We were able to pray for a guy named Lance, who had tripped on a tree root in the park and twisted his ankle really bad. His wife Cynthia was also telling us about how she was just "thinking" one day how she wanted a bible and the next day, out of the blue, another homeless person gave her one.

The conversation turned to God often and it wasn't because we were preaching. It was simply because we were listening. It's very evident that this group is hungry for more than just food! Afterwards, as we were driving away, Joel said something like "wow, we just had church and they didn't even know it". It's amazing to see God at work, to see him transforming people before our very eyes.

Please pray for the homeless in Oakwood Park, that God will keep them safe, dry and fed and that they will come to know him. Please pray they realize that they are not alone, that God is with them and please pray that we have enough food every Saturday morning and that we have enough gift cards for the work for food program.

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