Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do You Trust Me?

Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman

Well a lot has happened since my last blog post.  I am even surprised at how much has happened and how it has happened.  To say the least these last few weeks have been very trying to my faith. I am the kind of person that wears my emotions on my sleave, to my own fault and these past few weeks have been a waterfall of all different kinds of emotions. There are days I want to fight, there are days I want to quit. There are days where I ask God if He has left us when I already know the answer.

About a week ago God really hit me with this:  Do you trust me? I seem to be really good at talking about trust but these last 3 weeks has been a real exercise in walking that out. God and I have had quite a bit of face time lately and one thing that I have to come to realize is that when I am able to "Let Go" and "Let God" then there is a real peace that comes over me. The problem is, I have discovered, is that I am not real good at that most of the time.

So today I was reading in Matthew 6: verse 34 in The Message translation of the Bible reads like this:

 34"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

So there is something truly freeing to say o.k. God then "Bring It".  There really is no other place that I would rather be than where God wants me to be. I know that God has called us here to Miami and that He has great plans, really perfect plans for us. 

Reading this verse today though helps me to realize more and more that where God takes us may not be free of hardship and suffering but that He will be there to help us deal with it.  All He really asks of us is that we trust Him in what He is doing right now. So today we are off to spend the afternoon in a park with some homeless friends who invited us for a BBQ.  We will lay tomorrow at God's feet!

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