Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rock Bottom

Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman

So once again it has been so long since we blogged.
Our internet here has been so bad. They had some people out yesterday to look at it, so we are hoping we can stay online.

It has been an unbelievable week since we last posted. So much has gone on. You can read about the daily happenings in "The Daily News," so I won't go through all of it here.

Through all of the ups and downs this past week, There was a point where Jeff and I were talking and He asked, "Has it ever been this bad"?
This was on a day where we were feeling pretty low. The big van was sitting
at a mechanic with a big bill required to fix it, I had no work in site and our
rent was due the next day and we had $3 in our pocket. We truly wondered
if we had hit Rock Bottom. There have been many times in the past few years
that we have been in that place of wondering if we have truly hit the low of lows.

Today, I was reading a blog by Matthew Barnett. I find his blog to be a source of
encouragment when I am feeling low. Simply because I know he has gone through
so much to see so many blessed and restored through the Dream Center in L.A.
Most of the time before many of us will even cry out to God, we have to hit that rock bottom point, but how many of us as Believers will admit that it happens to us. For the last year it seems that success has been hard to come by, or at least what our idea of success is. What God has showed me today is that we don't usually have the same idea of success that He does. Success can be dangerous, many of us know that, but what God showed me today is that we can't really ever measure success because we can't measure everything according to our plans. We can succeed in our own strengths and still miss badly in God's plan.  So today I have decided that I am not going to focus on success but on just being a blessing. God can do so much if we live in the simplicity of this revelation. That way, even if we do become successful we won't know it because we are going to be to busy blessing others! Now don't get me wrong, success is a good thing, but I think we get so consummed with what successful looks like that we forget about what happens with the in between. I don't want to get consummed with the end point anymore, just what happens in the dash of the beginning and the end. For me today, instead of focusing on getting out of this apartment into a bigger house, I should focus on how to be a blessing to those around me here. How many times do we say, just as soon as? I know God has taken us to "Rock Bottom" so that we can see His plan for success in what we are doing here, so that He can recreate us! How about you, What are you going to do with the dash in-between the beginning and the end? Who can you bless today?


  1. Read the "daily news", and all I can say is that God is [very] good!

    We are continually praying & love you guys!

    The Tinajeros

  2. What a good word Wendy - Thank you
