Friday, November 18, 2011

giving up

We have now been in South Florida for two months, enduring all kinds of hardships for the purpose of reaching people that have lost all hope. It's been very exciting, but, at the same time, very very hard. One of the hardest things has been adjusting to the speed of Miami.

What I mean is that we have always lived monthly. Many things in life happen monthly, the full moon, the mortgage, the car payment, the utilities, etc., however, since we have arrived here, we have not been able to rent a house because we could not prove steady income. Could not prove steady income because I didn't have a job. So, I started looking for a job, which has been much harder than I ever though it would be. So, I in order to make money to survive, I moved people in our large van. It was not great money, but, it helped. Then the van broke down, but, I got a temporary job at Bank of America and before I've even received a paycheck (they owe me two partial paychecks now) my position was eliminated.....

The problem with not having a house to live in, is that we get to live in a motel. The seven of us, a cat and a dog all jammed into a 600 sq.ft. efficiency motel room. The biggest problem with living like this is the rent comes due every week. We are now moving into the busy tourist season and prices for motels are doubling. So, we may have only been here for two months, but, it feels like 8 or 9 months. That is the speed of Miami we are having a hard time with and we are stuck at that speed.

We often feel like just giving up, this past couple days has been one of those times. We need stability for our family and it feel hopeless as the people that we're here to serve.

We have a small base of spiritual support and our re-charging times seem to be further and further apart. We need another miracle today to sustain us for another week, and we ultimately need a house to be able to live more efficiently. We need to get un-stuck from this rut we are in. I can now really see how easy it is for so many people to slip into hopelessness.

If you have some time today, please pray for us, we really need it. Also, please pray about helping us stay on mission by supporting us regularly. It's a worthy cause that is changing people for all of eternity.

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