Monday, October 31, 2011


Whoever does not love does not know God, because God IS love. ~ I John 4:8

This verse has kept me going this month. We have on many occasions put ourselves in vulnerable positions where we have loved others without expectation. Hoping they will experience the love of God and in turn will begin to love others. Like a child that is learning how to do something new, they have to see it and experience it before they can do it.  How will they ever learn to love if they are not first loved?

We have made it through our second month in the mission field of the Miami metro area and at times it seems the inroads we have made are washed away by the pounding surf of the ocean of hurt that people experience every day. We have also spent a lot of time just trying to survive. The great efforts and time spent trying to make the rent and buy food sometimes seem to be a big distraction from the overall task at hand, which is to love the un-loved.

I was reading the other day how the occupy wall street group was sick and tired of the homeless coming into their camp and eating their food. What is particularly ironic is that today it's reported that the freak snow storm in NYC has the group now asking the homeless for tips on how to stay warm and dry in the cold wet weather. Apparently giving to those in need is less important than getting from those same people when it will make their own situation more comfortable. This is the world we live in. This is the world that needs turned up-side-down.

The world will give when it suits it's own purpose. How radical it is to give without expectation, yet this is what God does for us every day. How can we continue in the cyclical condition of give and take when our creator has done nothing but give and give and give? He has set the example and is waiting patiently for his children to replicate his actions.

He who does not love does not know God, because God is LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. This was a really good post Jeff. I tried to comment on this before but it didn't register. Picking up your cross daily is so much more than mental assent. Dieing to ourselves is a major work of grace, not a just a grit you teeth and do it. It does take some of our working out to accomplish. I'm so not there. Keep on keeping on in Him. I'm proud of you guys.
