Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman-

So this is my first attempt at a blog since before we moved. Everything happened so fast I think my head is still spinning some but we are here and as we start to get in a bit of a routine I am constantly reminded of God's faithfulness. I am also so very aware of the miracles He has already done to get us here. When I think of where we were and all the thoughts going through my head a month ago. All the doubts and worries, but God did it, just  as he promised. We knew it was going to take a big leap of faith and quite honestly all the way to the last minute I did not know if I could do it. I would just wake up everyday and say this is your day God and what do you want me to do with it.

After our first day in Miami I was really discouraged! All I wanted to do was cry. It was so hard to look at place after place and find nothing, but just as we needed another place, God provided! This little apartment is much smaller than we are used to, but we know it is what God wants for us right now.

On Saturday the girls and I made our first attempt at trying to do our mountain of laundry. As we were sitting there waiting for our loads to wash I was reading a blog from Matthew Barnett. If you don't know him, you should! He drove into Las Angeles 20 years ago and much like us coming to Miami, he was very afraid of what was ahead but knew what God had put on his heart.

Today he heads up The Dream Center in Las Angeles where he does amazing outreach to the poor, homeless and disheartened people of the city. His twitter quote of the day was

    ~ "While your waiting for a miracle, go ahead and be one".

It really hit me, hard! As we were folding our laundry, I spent time talking to the laundry attendants, I was able to share our story of why we came to Miami and they were just so amazed. I don't think they were amazed that we were here, but more amazed that someone was willing to listen to their story too. As I left there that afternoon, it hit me hard, what Matthew said in his blog. Is there really anyone who is not waiting for a miracle of some kind? Could it be that for that day, for that lady at the laundry mat, her needed miracle was that someone would hear her story? It really made me wonder what kind of effect
we could have on people if we all lived by that statement of Matthews?

We waited for a miracle and God came through, but there is still so much more that is needed to move forward in what God has called us too, but while we are waiting and seeking His will in this, we will do everything we can to go and be a miracle for someone else! So this week, I will go back to the laundry mat and visit with the attendants again. Maybe take some coffee and we can chat more!

Please pray that God shows us where to go, who to see and how we can be their miracle for that day.

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