Tuesday, September 6, 2011


As of Friday I've been unemployed and as of Saturday we are homeless. All because we believe God told us to leave the life we've made for the past 20 years and move to Miami to start a church from scratch and start an outreach to the poor.

We have known for a long time that this was what God wanted us to do, we just were not "ready". We have been working towards this for many years, but, every time we made any progress it was stolen away from us one way or another. Many would say that it really wasn't God's will because nothing is transpiring. But, to us, it seemed that God has been telling us all along that we can't do this on our own and that no matter how much we worked to do it, it would fail. We can only do it if we have absolute faith in God. Of course, this scares us to death.

In April of this year we felt the call stronger than ever, so, we decided not to wait any longer for things to materialize. That ready or not, we are going to trust God and are just going to move to Miami. Our plan seemed to be going just fine, however, when we were three weeks away from my scheduled quit date, we had only raised $25. I started thinking of contingency plans, just in case we could not leave when we wanted to.

About two weeks ago, after a period of fasting and praying, I had a dream. I dreamt  I was asleep and someone was knocking at the door, I got up and answered it and no one was there. I returned to my bed and thought "huh, it must be God at the door" so I said, "okay God, I'm listening" and God said "JUST GO".  I then woke up for real.

It's been a constant back and forth with our faith and our doubts. This dream seemed to come to mind every time I had doubts since I had it.

So, as we loaded the last box in storage and drove our packed vans to my mothers to spend a couple of days before we leave, the panic set in. We had since received gifts of money from friends, but, when we added it up, it was not enough to even pay for all the gas to get us to Miami.

I was determined that no matter how much we had we would just start driving, I knew that if it is God's will then it is God's bill. On Saturday, after getting to my Mom's I got an email from a friend from Kansas City that said he had moved to Columbia and wanted to get together for lunch. We met at Buffalo Wild Wings on Monday and after explaining what God was doing my life, he said God had put us on their hearts and he was really glad he was able to get a hold of me before we left. He then said that he wanted to help and the least he could do was to give us $1000. So, today when we met at the bank, he said they talked about it and prayed about it and wanted to do a little more than $1000, so they gave us $4000. We're a long way from doing all we want to do, but we now have enough to get to Miami and into a house.

If I've learned anything during all this, I've learned that God is absolutely faithful. I can't wait to see what else God is going to do.

1 comment:

  1. It's not always with the timing we'd like, but He always provides.. travel safe!
