Saturday, February 23, 2013

out of food

We came close to running out of food again today. When all was said and done, we brought home two biscuits and about three cups of gravy. We went a little longer than normal, but, even that is becoming the new normal. It just seemed like nobody wanted to move on. They just kept hanging around. It's times like these that you hate to say goodbye. Knowing that at home I have a place to sit, stuff to eat and drink, a bathroom and even a real bed to take a nap in if I want to. The guys (and girls) we leave behind don't. Their minds are moving towards their next dollar, or, if it looks like rain, their next shelter.

One old guy in particular has me by the heart strings. Bernie. He has cancer and just knows he'll be checking out soon. He has a lot of regrets in life, but, don't we all. He has a good heart though and loves to talk about the Bible. He is a guy that I consider to be a monster when it comes to faith. He's got it, we don't. Oh we may think we've got it, but, Bernie has more faith than almost anyone I've ever seen.

Bernie has to have faith to survive. How many of us can say "if I'm dropped off in a strange place with no money, clothes or food, it'll be okay, because God will take care of me." Well, Bernie can say it, because he lives it every day and has for years.

Please pray for Bernie, that his last days (or years) will be comfortable, dry and have lots of food.Please pray that we can love him while we got him.

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