Thursday, October 4, 2012

All or Nothing!

Post by Wendy Kauffman

These last few weeks have been a real test for me. We knew coming to Florida and starting an outreach to the poor and a church for people who don't like church would be the hardest thing we would ever do. We were not expecting an easy ride. We knew there would be challenges. That being said, there was a certain way I expected this to go and it has not gone that way at all. I did not expect to be here a year and not be able to get my belongings from Missouri. I did not expect to lose my car. I did not expect the day to day financial hardship it would be. I honestly don't know how the average person manages to survive here in South Florida. Living here is so expensive. So many of these things have really had me thinking if we are really doing the right thing by being here.

I was listening to a pastor the other day who was preparing his organization for their upcoming annual conference. He wanted to let the participants know what to expect. He opened up his Bible and read these verses from Matthew 13 that Jesus spoke:
44 “God’s kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field. 45-46 “Or, God’s kingdom is like a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. Finding one that is flawless, he immediately sells everything and buys it.

I have read this scripture many times but in the last few weeks it keeps coming up. I know that Jesus came to this earth to save us because what He saw was great treasure. He was willing to do whatever it took to get that treasure, all the way up to giving his life for it.(for us).

Jesus also said this in Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

One thing is clear. We are very important to God! He gave up everything to be with us! Is it possible that He is asking the very same thing of us. Is it possible that in order for us to get the best things God has for us, we have to sell everything that is important to us to get it? I know that it may not mean that we have to sell our houses, our cars and all of our personal belongings, but is it possible that to get the life we really long for and desire means we have to walk away from what we hold valuable to US?

For many years I have put value on things that I know now don't matter. I know this may sound funny, but if you know me you know hard this is for me. A few months ago, I gave away my washer and dryer. I loved that washer and worked very hard to get it. Before we left Missouri we were trying to decide what we could part with. My washing machine was not one of those things. I left it in storage there with the full anticipation of being united with it again some day(I know your laughing right now but this is true). That did not happen! Instead of leaving it in storage and hoarding my washing machine for myself, I decided that my son and his new wife needed it for their house more. I am glad it is being used and that someone else can reap the benefits of it, but I was sad.

Here is the thing, after just a year of living here and everything that we have gone through and all that is still uncertain about us being here, I can't imagine us ever leaving. The people we have met, the many pearls out there who have no hope, who feel like they are living in desolation, those who have not been able to meet the man(Jesus) who loves them so much and wants to have a relationship with them so bad, the many people who just need someone to say, YOU ARE WORTH IT! For all of that we will keep fighting. For all of that we will say ALL OR NOTHING!

Please pray for us as we move forward. There are many needs. Listed below are some specific prayer requests that we have. If you follow what we are doing please pray for these things.

Quick settlement on our minivan. Right now we have a rental and that has been a blessing this week but in the next week or two we will have to buy a new car. Please pray for a fair settlement and that we can find the right car for the right price.

Pray that Jeff's business continues to be profitable. September was one of our worst months. He really needs to have a job that is flexible so that time can be spent in ministry.

Pray for our work van. Right now it needs new tires and some exhaust work. Pray that we can get these things done soon so the van runs optimally.

We are planning a trip back to Missouri the week of Thanksgiving for our son's wedding. Please pray that God provides the money for the trip and replaces work missed while we are gone.

Pray that Wendy can get more health screening events. This has been a very slow fall. Normally her busy time. Please pray that this picks up.

We are currently living in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apt in Hollywood. It is very doable for us, but on November 9th, we have to be out of this apt. They have a smaller 2 bedroom but it will be very difficult. We had to give up our storage shed because of the cost. We really need the extra space. Pray that God provides the money for us to get into a house in the North Miami area. That is the eventual goal. Continue to pray for our housing needs.

Joel will be returning to Missouri in a week or two. Please pray for his safe travel and that God will bless him for all the time he has given. We will miss him.

Pray for the Saturday morning breakfast. Finances have kept us from having this these past few weeks. Pray that we can start this back up and that we can get the work for food program off the ground by the first of the year.

3 months ago, we had a large sum of money debited from our checking account at our doctor's office fraudulently. After spending the last few months trying to get the bank to take care of it, last week we found out that we are going to have to fight the doctor's office for it. Please pray they will release this money back to us and that it will happen very soon!

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