Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Empty Hands

We had just put the last of the chairs into the van. There was only a snack bag left which we had just handed to Bernie because he was late arriving and there was nothing else to give him.

Within a few minutes a pickup pulled into the park. It was a family we had seen before. They were curious but had always kept their distance. The door opened and out came 2 younger kids with their pregnant big sister, their mom and their grandma. The sisters boyfriend had gone off to work and dropped them off at the park.  They walked over to the benches and just sat for a few minutes before the mother got up enough courage to walk over and talk with me. She asked me if we were giving anything away. My heart sank in my chest as I told her that we had given away everything. Even the jelly was all gone. All I had left was about a half a gallon of water. As I grabbed the jug and some cups she walked away to give her family a drink. I was trying to hold back the tears as I walked back over to Jeff devasted that we had nothing to offer. I had $1.00 in quarters to my name when I arrived at the park and had already handed that to somone else.

This past Saturday was a chilling reminder of why we are here. It was also a chilling reminder of how much there is to do and how far we have to go.

Our vision is to someday have a facility to prepare and serve out of so that we never have to turn anyone away empty handed. Please pray that God provides in big ways! Please pray for Bernie who is very sick. Please pray that God provides that right amount of what we need every week. Please pray that we don't get discouraged  when it feels like that all that we are left with is empty hands.

Tomorrow night we are planning a BBQ meal at the park. Right now we do not have everything we need to make this happen. Please pray God provides for everything and everyone who comes!

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