Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Shocking Experience

So about a month ago we started having trouble with our appliances, mainly our
refrigerator. One day I woke up and it just wasn't running right. So we immediately notified our landlord who brought in another- not working so right-refrigerator. This one came with the added bonus of shocking you every time you touched it. Although it may be a good way to lose weight,  not so good with a house full of kids. So we notified the landlord again, who brought in yet another refrigerator. After a few days it wasn't running right either. It turns out we live in a house that is not grounded well nor does it have enough power to run any real major appliances which would explain the lack of air conditioning. We have been very thankful for our house and have absolutley no desire to move, but after the power company, the electrician and the city tried to convince the owner the best thing to do was make the home safe and habitable, it seems the owner may not be interested in doing that.

So it looks like we will have to move. This is not something we want to do or for that matter can really afford at all to do, but looks like we may not have any choice. Today we looked at a house that was perfect for us. It is the house that I have been looking for since we moved here. We need far more money than we have right now to get into it.

We had just now started to really get back on track after Jeff'''s surgery and finally starting to equalize when this started to happen. We have been pouring everything we have into ReMerge and its growth.

We have to raise around $4000 to make this move. Please pray that God provides what we need, whether it is this house or another house.  If you have ever thought about supporting ReMerge and the work God is doing in South Florida email us. There is so much going on and so many people being touched by God's love for them. Please pray this is not a distraction or something that sidetracks us from what God wants us to be doing.

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