Saturday, September 22, 2012

shadow boxing

I was driving home from dropping the girls off at school one day this week and as I was sitting at a red light, out of the bushes, on the other side of the road, next to a bridge, a guy that looked like he was about 45-50 years old crawled out onto the sidewalk. He was wearing muddy clothes and his hair was going in all directions. He brushed himself off, to no avail, and looked around on the ground until he found a small cardboard sign. He picked it up just in time for the traffic to allow him to cross over to the median to start panhandling. As he was crossing the street he started punching, jabbing and swinging at the air in front of him like a boxer approaches the ring.

That picture stayed with me all week. Not because some dirty homeless guy with some crazy antics crawled out of the bushes and started asking people for spare change. But, because this guy slept in the mud, did not have coffee or anything to eat yet, looked like he would be spending the day out in the rain and yet he was ready to fight another day.

If ever there was an underdog, it's him. I'm routing for him and I hope you do to. Please pray for the homeless, that God will meet their needs and next time you see one, go ahead, give 'em a high five (bucks).

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those

who close their eyes to them receive many curses. 
~ Proverbs 28:27

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