Sunday, July 15, 2012

peace out

Kevin ("Kev-O"), a 5 foot tall, 95 pound scrappy 50 year old guy that thinks he's a 7 foot tall 280 pound monster with nothing but time.  When he talks, you can't get a word in edgewise. If it's been done, he did it, if it's been played, he played it, if it's been kicked, he kicked it. He is a master of "one up-ers", his story is always more brutal and always more funny. To know him, truely is to love him.

The only time I've seen Kev-O quiet and respectful is when he would sit and talk with our 10 year old daughter Ruthie. I think talking with her took him back to a simpler time when he didn't have to act bigger than he was.

Kev-O was hit by a truck this week and died on the scene. 
Saturday morning breakfast will have a huge void for a while.

You gotta love 'em while you got 'em........

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a strong reminder that we need to seize every oppertunity we have to love others. You never know what it can mean!!
