Sunday, July 31, 2011

judgment day

In 2004 an Iranian man proposed to a woman and the woman turned him down. He was so enraged at the rejection that he threw acid in her face, blinding and disfiguring her for life. After the process of law, in 2008 he was sentenced to submit to acid being poured into his eyes by the hand of the victim. Today, was judgment day. As he was on his knees with his face up, she was handed the acid and as she held it over his face, which must have seemed like an eternity to the man. She drew it back refusing to return evil for evil and proclaimed that she forgave him. Giving him back life as he knew it.

With Miami being the 4th rudest city in the U.S., it does not take a lot of imagination to realize there isn't a whole lot of love being spread around. This will probably be one of our biggest challenges, because it's hard to love people that are rude to you. You naturally want to see them fall flat on their face, get a bloody nose and bleed all over themselves right before they have to go into a big meeting or something. It just feels good to see people get what they deserve.

A lawyer asked Jesus how he could have eternal life and Jesus turned it right back on him and asked what the law said about it. (In Luke 10:27-28) He answered, "‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself." "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."

It seems Jesus is saying that Love is the essence of life. Without it, we are just walking around, dead in our own skins, but with Love, we truly live.

When we move to Miami to start a church for people that don't like church, we are going to teach them how to Love, so that they can begin to Live.


  1. That is so very true Jeff. Even Christians do not understand agape or love. Which IMO we do not have within ourselves, until God provides us with it. Then and only then are we able to walk in Agapao. Until then, we can love the lovely. But not the unlovely. And it is thru His love, that we begin to become like God is. Mt. 5:43-48.
    Love Grandma

  2. There is no challenge in loving the 'lovely'... The polite the beautiful the prosperous the clean.... May we all challenge to DAILY love the 'unlovely' The mean the dirty the rude, in every city. If they see the love in us, they see Jesus.
    A great reminder Jeff.
