Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What can bring you down?

Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman

So these last few days have been pretty hard for me, Both Mentally and Physically. I was feeling like things were finally getting back on track. Things were finally coming together and then bam all of the sudden, once again I was hit with some reality.

Yesterday morning, I woke up having tremors/seizures. For those of you who don't know about 6 years ago, I was diagnosed with a tumor/cyst on my spinal cord. Since then I have undergone numerous treatments including radiation therapy and neuro stimulation therapy. If you asked my neuro doctor he would tell you that I am pretty much a walking miracle because most people who have this condition can't walk or eventually lose their ability to do so after a few years. My treatment was very successful and for the last 3 years I have only had 1 episode like yesterday. I normally need to get neuro-stimulation therapy to keep every thing at bay.  Since leaving Missouri I have not been able to get plugged into a neruo doc here to get them done yet. It is always really hard when I have these and they really mess with my head. My anxiety level goes through the roof.

I also got some bad news today that really sent me for a loop. There are days when I ask, Why God? Most of the time the answer is a resounding "So that my glory can be revealed through you." Honestly, I know that is true but in reality, who wants to be the person that has to go through stuff, usually bad stuff so that God's Glory can be revealed. I know most of the time we are not lining up for that.

I also know that this last year has been a revelation of God's glory in our life. What he has done, what he has brought us through and how His love has come through over and over again for us. Why would I not want people to know it. Isn't this the way people are going to come to know about God and how much he cares for us.

Today I am reminded of how much God has sacrificed so that we can know Him, so that we can have a relationship with him. I am reminded that He will and needs to use people like me, someone who makes mistakes, someone who messes up, someone who worries way too much, so that other people can meet him too. So that others can have a relationship with him too.

Please pray for me, as I go through these difficult days, that I will keep my eyes on this. That I will not let this bring me down today! That our enemy who is alive and well and trying to take us down gains no ground!

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