Thursday, April 28, 2011

hmmm, isn't that wicked

Some of you saw the video I posted on my facebook page a couple weeks ago of these christian men who went to New Orleans this last marti gras and "evangelized" Bourbon Street. They informed everyone, WITH A BULL HORN, they were going to hell.

The line seems to be drawn in the sand in many peoples minds, either you're with God or you're against God, which IS in the bible, there is no doubt about that. There is however, a doubt on what our roll is once WE determine what side we are on and what side everyone else is on (as if that's our job).

It seems ever popular to point at people and inform them they are sinners and are going to hell. But, I have a question, what about the people on the other side of the line that never got the chance to grow up in a church-going home? Never went to vacation bible school? Do you think, as they are looking down the business end of a pointer finger that they have any desire to be like the guys in the video?

Personally, I think they're getting a mis-representation of who Jesus is. Jesus was always getting in trouble with the religious leaders because they felt it was their job, their duty and their sacred honor to force others to obey the ten commandments and other levitical laws. He on the other hand thought it was more important to have love and compassion for others.

Even on the night Jesus was arrested, he didn't jump back and yell "now you are all doomed to hell" and call fire out of the sky, even though, I think Peter wanted him to. Peter, however, took it upon himself to draw his sword and attack the arresting party (the ones on the other side of the line). Now obviously Peter was no ninja warrior because all he seemed to be able to do was cut someones ear off. But, instead of having Peter's back and fighting with those against him, Jesus picked up the ear and HEALED the guy on the spot.

The truth is, there is a line in the's a line between God and us. Jesus is willing to cross that line. In fact, his whole purpose is to erase the line and unite all those on the other side with God.

The Apostle Paul was a master of the law, not only the Roman law that he was born under, but he was a Pharisee, a lawyer of the oracles of God. In Romans 2:4 he states, "God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance." When we go to Miami to start a church for people who don't like church, we want to use kindness to reach the lost. We want to speak the truth with love. Please pray that we'll be effective in this mission.

For those curious, here is a small portion of the video:

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