At first, we had no idea. Then, when we picked up our dog from the vet, who was boarding her. Soon we could tell our strictly inside dog was having a flea problem. It wasn't long until we were seeing fleas everywhere and knew it wasn't just an occasional day tripper, it was an army advancing it's kingdom.
It was the worst in the basement (where the cat was), the main floor had quite a few and a couple had even made it up stairs. This called for drastic action, we treated both the cat and the dog, bought them both new flea collars and last Saturday we bombed the house with 8 bug bombs (we were taking this very serious) and ..... it worked.
It's amazing to me how it only takes a couple fleas and the whole house is affected.
It's amazing to me how it only takes a couple fleas and the whole house is affected.
Today in the Verve reading plan, we read Matthew chapter 13, where Jesus is talking to the masses about the Kingdom of God. In verse 33 it says "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough."
What he's saying is it only takes a little yeast to affect a great amount of flour, right? In other words, it only takes a little bit of the Kingdom of Heaven to affect the world.
So, like the invading fleas, if little 'ol you and me love God and love people, then those people will get infected with God and start loving other people too and so on and so on and so on. What he's saying is it only takes a little yeast to affect a great amount of flour, right? In other words, it only takes a little bit of the Kingdom of Heaven to affect the world.
Soon, the Kingdom of God is advancing and our action is affecting the whole community, right? (hopefully we wont be viewed as pests and get bombed in the process though)
As we move off to Miami to start a church for people that have no interest in God, please pray that we will be able to advance God's Kingdom in Miami by loving people in extraordinary ways.
How about you? Are there people around you that could use a little of God's love in their life?
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