is a blog about Jeff and Wendy Kauffman and an outreach to the poor they started on the streets of South Florida with the goal of eventually starting a church for the unchurched, dechurched and unbelievers in Miami. A church for people that don't like church, reaching the ones furthest from Christ and introducing them to a loving God
Having twin boys can sometimes be a challenge. You NEVER know what's going to happen next. You have to buy two of everything when it comes to them, yet, they both want their own identity. One likes his hair buzz cut and the other likes the moppy Justin Bieber look. One of them is always getting blamed for what the other did and as sure as you've corrected one for tracking in mud, the other tracks in mud over the freshly cleaned floor. They can go from calm to off the hook rowdy in 3.2 seconds and between the two of them, they know everything.
It's also tough teaching them to always tell the truth. They will either throw each other under the bus if they see no way out of trouble or they'll cling unified to the lie until the bitter end. Sometimes it's hard to imagine what lengths we'll go to teach them the right things.
With that said, kudos to the Minnesota father of twins who could not tell a lie-
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