Post by: Wendy Kauffman

At the beginning of the year, I made a commitment to look at areas in my life that I wanted God to change me in. I came up with a few I felt like I needed a heart change in. One of the words that I put on my list was surrender. If you know me then you know that I'm kind of a control freak. So the word surrender felt like a big one for me. What I've realized this past week is I am actually pretty good at surrendering. Surrendering for me is being willing to go where ever God will send me. I am very willing to do that!
After spending pretty much an entire week of not really sleeping, last night, God showed me something - I don't trust!
I heard someone say once that surrender is about the will, but trust is about the heart! Although trust and surrender overlap, sometimes they are entirely different. Trust speaks deeply of our relationships. It is a rare moment when we trust someone, on a heart level, with whom we are not in a relationship with. So that is where God has me right now, working on another level of my relationship with him. Prayerfully I will come out on the other side with a deeper relationship with him.
What I realized last night is that I am in the middle of a potentially life-changing trust issue right now. We are getting ready to move to Miami to reach people who don't have a relationship with God and it's very scary!
If I don't trust God in this, it's not going to go very well, because the people in Miami who are far from God, won't buy it if they don't see I trust it. Just like in my Jordan Essentials business, I can't sell it if I don't trust it.
Please pray that as we step out in our surrender to God, that we trust God (even though it may not always turn out the way we want).
Also, please pray that the people of Miami will see we trust God because of our relationship with God and that they will want to have that same kind of deep level relationship with God too.
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