So much has happened these past few weeks and one thing is perfectly clear. We have a real enemy and we fight a real battle. When you move into enemy territory the battle gets real hard real fast!
A quick update: We had to move out of the house we were in, due to some pretty difficult cirmcumstances, and had spent the last month basically living in a hotel room. Talk about testing your resolve. Everyday was very close to the day that we were giving up and getting out of dodge, but everyday, once again God would show his faithfulness in some way. Some days I think we tried to ignore it so that we could justify giving up and walking away, but the one thing we have always said is that God is faithful! NO MATTER WHAT! So now we are living in a pretty small apartment but it does have 2 bedrooms and 2 BATHROOMS. With 8 people living in such a small place, having 2 bathrooms was reason for all of us to rejoice. It is a temporary place but hopefully we will be able to take the time we need to establish ourselves in a house in the area we want to be in. It seems everytime we get away from this area, God seems to find a way to pull us back here. After living in a few different areas of the city these past few weeks, I know this is exactly where we are supposed to be!
A few weeks ago Jeff was in a pretty bad car accident. He walked way, Thank God, but our car was totaled. We have been without family transportation for a few weeks and I feel like our life is at a stand still. We are praying that this is a blessing in disguise and not a way for the enemy to gain ground. Please pray with us as we make a decision about what vehicle to buy and that will provide the most perfect, most dependable vehicle for our family. Since the accident both of us have been unable to work at the pace we both were before. I don't have transportation and Jeff found himself primarily responsible for getting our girls to and from school. It has made it hard for him to schedule work around that responsibility and then to compound that he has had to make time to go to the chiropractor 3 times a week to get his back and neck worked on because of misalignment since the accident. It has been hard, but again, God has been faithful. We know God works all things together for the good, that is our hope!
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