In 1988 I said, "Wow, a "mini-van" that's SO DUMB there otta be a law against those! I will NEVER drive a "mini-van"! Well, 6 years later guess what was parked in our driveway.....yep, a 1988 mini-van.
In 1992 I said, "NOOOooo! cats are SO DUMB! We will NEVER get a cat! They shouldn't even be allowed to live with humans!" ....... Yeah, that's right, ever since we've had cats.....
For the record, a few of the things I've been called out on-
I now like guacamole, blue cheese and onions.
I have actually had to change quite a few diapers, I watch chick flicks with my wife, I cut off my mullet and threw away my muscle shirts.
It's weird, but, there seems to be this rift in the cosmos that makes you experience something once you've passed judgment on it. Here you are, minding your own business and without notice you're unwittingly faced with the same circumstances and then you choose the same results. Suddenly you realize either how dumb you are or how it wasn't so dumb after all. Either way you're judgment was wrong.
There has been a rash of pastors leaving their pulpits due to "moral breakdowns" (fancy way of sayin they were having affairs). One particular pastor was ripping on another for his sinfulness and six months later had to step down himself for the same reason. Let's face it, if this rift in the cosmos exists anywhere, it's in the church. In the Verve reading plan today we read Romans 2 where it talks about this rift. It says we'll be judged in the same manner that we judge. It's like we don't have a chance. I think it's God's way of reminding us that we are not the moral police. So, God please have mercy on the guy that yells "get a job" to the next homeless person he sees.
However, I think it would be SO DUMB to have a million dollars! I would NEVER have a million dollars....;-)
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