Since the beginning of the year I've been following along with
Verve in Vegas as they read the New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs in the Bible. Today we read Acts 23, which is the continuation of Paul's hearing after being arrested in Jeruselem for being one who was turning the world upsidedown by teaching about Jesus. At one point Paul stated to the assembly that he had done all things in good conscience and in obedience to God, at which point the High Priest orderd him hit in the mouth. After that Paul noticed the assembly was equally divided between those who believed in life after death and those who didn't. So he yelled out that he was on trial for believing in the resurection (life after death) and immediately the crowd started fighting each other and Roman soldiers had to rush in and grab Paul before he got hurt in the riot.
Latter that night, as Paul laid in his cell pondering, I'm sure he was second guessing if he was doing the right thing, it say's that the Lord visited him and said "Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome."
This speaks to me, because even though we are attempting the insane (by moving to Miami to start a church for people who don't like church) and friends, neighbors and family think we're nuts, Jesus has a purpose for it.
How about you? Have you ever felt the heat when you did what you thought was right? How did it work out in the end?
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