Sunday, June 30, 2013

pouring rain

Last week the twins and I loaded up the van with food, utensils, coffee, juice and everything else we need to serve a hot meal in a park. It started raining when we were placing the last items in the van. So we hurriedly got into the vehicle when dreaded words rang out, one of the twins said, "Dad, we have a flat......."

In a little disbelief I said "WHAT?!?!?" and ran around to the back side of the passenger side and looked for myself. Yep, it was flat as a pancake. I told the boys to go wait in the house while I got it changed. Ten minutes later I had the spare donut on and I was all soak-n-wet. I called the boys back out to get in the van. We were late to the park and there were a dozen hungry people waiting for us. The good thing was there were a dozen people there to help set up.

After getting everyone served, I sat down and someone asked me how the new job was going. I replied, "great! until they laid me off yesterday." They were a little shocked, but, understood completely. It sparked a conversation or should I say competition about the shortest jobs they ever held.

A few minutes later one of them said, "Jeff, it looks like your van tire is going flat". I snapped my sore neck around and looked and sure enough, the spare donut was pretty low and within 20 minutes, it was flat.

Anna, one of the ladies that has been coming regularly leaned over to me and motioned me close. I leaned over a little, a little cautious, as you never can tell what someone will say, and she handed me $1. She said, "here, it's not much, but, it's to help with the tire". I didn't want to take it, but, the sincerity in her eyes made me take it. That $1 was probably all she had and she could have bought something to eat later, but, she wanted to be a blessing and I could not deny her that.

Anna gave everything and she didn't have to. In fact nobody in the world would ever expect her to and the only thing that could ever explain her compulsion would be that compassion is being renewed inside her.

Regardless of the daily battles that rage all around us and captivate our every thought. Compassion and generosity can come in the most unusual forms and circumstances and when it does, it reminds me that God is working and the little that we do, when exemplified by God, can make a huge and significant difference in peoples lives.

Please pray for the ladies living on the streets here in South Florida, that God will provide shelter, food and clothing and that he will restore love in their hearts.

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