This is an excerpt from John Burke's new book "Mud and the Masterpiece." Over the next week, I am going to be sharing little excerpts of the book. Why? I believe this book could possibly change your life! You will definetly be asking yourself the same question I did after reading this one small excerpt, How do I really look at people? We are all God's creation. God desires a relationship with every single person he created. Am I helping to facilitate that or am I hindering people from seeing who God really is and how much He loves them.
The book comes out February 1st and I encourage to buy it. All of the proceeds go to "Life giving Life," a campaign that John Burke has started in Austin, Tx. If you want to know more about "Life giving Life" check out Gateway church in Austin, Texas.
Please pray for us as we seek God and that ReMerge will be known for being able to see poeple as God sees them. That we will spread the Gospel of Restorative Grace and not Mud Management.
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