These are things that we want to be doing and we are building great relationships with many people. But there is still so much to be done and so many things that we feel we need to be doing and it can get pretty overwhelming at times, so now we are praying a lot about how we can get there from where we are.
Today we are asking you to pray with us about some specific things God has put on our hearts. Below is a short list of things that we feel God wants us to begin doing, so please pray for us, that God would provide the time and resources we need. We are also looking for people to partner with us in this. If there is one area that you think you would like to help support specifically. Get in touch with us and we can let you know how.
Doughnut Drop Off to local businesses. We are planning to start dropping off donuts to local businesses by April 1st. This is a way we feel we can reach out to some of the local businesses and show God's love in a practical way and meet some of the people in our community.
Outreach to those involved in the sex industry. Right now we are meeting with people locally who are involved in this. This is an area that is very touchy to so many, but something that is very close to my heart. If you are interested in knowing more about this you can e-mail me directly at wkauffman1970@live.com.
Work for Food Program. We have not resumed this as their have not been the resources to do so but we are planning to get the work for food program back up and going again. This is a program where we go out and feed the homeless every Saturday and after breakfast we ask them to help clean up the streets, neighborhoods, and businesses around where we meet. In return they get a $10 gift card for helping. We have seen this give hope and purpose to so many who thought there was not any.
Pizza drop off to neighborhoods. We know how busy families are and we would love an opportunity to meet some of our neighbors so we plan to drop off gift certificates for local pizza places as a way to show God's love and meet a practical need.
Easter Banquet for the Homeless. We would like to throw a nice dinner for the homeless on or around Easter. We are looking for a place to do this and it will take a lot of food and supplies. Please pray God provides.
Neighborhood Block Party. We found out this past week that we don't have to move from the house we are in for a while so we want to get to know our neighbors. One of the ways we planned to meet people in the area was to throw block parties. We plan to do this in May. We have a great local neighborhood park and plan to have a BBQ, some music and fun stuff for the kids to do.
These are some things we have planned. Please pray that God will provide the time and resources and that many people will see God's love for them.
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