This was only the second meeting this church had held. They are holding one meeting a month until September when they will start holding weekly meetings. We arrived at the movie theater about 5 min early and as soon as we walked in the door, we were smothered by greeters. We were encouraged to pick up papers and cards from a table, offered donuts and coffee, given a gift bag with a little candy in a glass cup and more cards in it. We were about to make our way to the auditorium and a guy with a secret service ear piece stopped us and said, "were having sound problems this morning, it’ll be just a minute folks". So we found a corner to stand in as other guests were received. While in the corner, a lady saw her opportunity and came told us all about how she loved babies so, so very much. I normally would think it strange, but, was a little relieved when the guy with ear piece came back and said "alright folks, we’re ready for you" and escorted us into the auditorium. When we sat down in the theater, there was no music, no slide show, no band doing sound checks. It was oh so awkwardly quiet. Then, after a few minutes, a girl with an acoustic guitar got up and sang three songs. I only knew one of them, no words on the HUGE movie screen to sing along with. Then they passed buckets around to collect money. Then the pastor stood up and gave a sermon about God’s laws being written on our hearts and quoted Leviticus and Genesis then asked us to raise our hands if we did not have a relationship with Jesus. Then he said a blessing over us and left the auditorium. Not one personal story or a statement of who they were. No explanation of why they were planting a church here. However, we were informed they would be having a bar-b-q at the park in a couple weeks. We were on our way home in 55 minutes.
tell us more about your experience with this new church and your thoughts as well, please.