We are still here! Yes, it is true. We are still in Miami and ReMerge is still on the forefront of what we are doing here! We have been absent from communicating with those of you who have followed what is going on with us here in Miami to take some time to stabilize things with our family and our home. We have been very busy and God has done so much since we last talked with you.
We have been able to get back out to the park and have our Saturday morning service. It has been a huge blessing for us, we missed everyone so much and it has been good to reconnect with so many again. It was also very difficult to find out that we had lost a few as well.
We had so many dreams when we moved here. There was a great big picture of what we wanted to do and how we wanted to do it. When we left Missouri in 2011 we thought we had the faith that would move mountains. We had a lot of faith! This past year has taught us so much more about God's faithfulness then we could ever have imagined. We are so grateful for those of you have supported us with your resources, your prayers and your time.
There is so much more coming over this next year with ReMerge and we can't wait to share the stories of how much God is doing. One thing is for certain, we are going to Notice the overlooked. Accept the unaccepted. Embrace the rejected. Love the despised. Befriend the outcast. It may be a road less traveled but we are going to stay the course!
Please continue to pray for us as we seek God everyday for his direction. There is more to come!
is a blog about Jeff and Wendy Kauffman and an outreach to the poor they started on the streets of South Florida with the goal of eventually starting a church for the unchurched, dechurched and unbelievers in Miami. A church for people that don't like church, reaching the ones furthest from Christ and introducing them to a loving God
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Where have you been?
Its been a very long time since we have updated everyone on how things are going here in South Florida. We have been off the grid for a while that is for sure.
To be honest, we are not sure how things are going. We have spent the last few months trying to regain our composure and refocus! That being said, one thing we have realized in the process is that it does not matter how much we want to bail and get out of dodge, God seems to have different plans. His ways are not our ways that is for sure!
A few weeks ago we had to tell the group that comes on Saturday morning that we will not be able to bring breakfast for a few weeks because we would not have an adequate kitchen to do so. They understood but were devastated! It was a really hard day for us! We really needed some time to see where God was taking things. Sometimes you just have to step back and refocus!
We are leaving in 2 days to head back to Missouri for Christmas break. We are excited to see family and friends and just take some time to relax and refocus! We will be coming back to South Florida the beginning of January. Please pray for the men and women who have become such a part of ReMerge. Pray that God will protect and provide for them and that they will stay focused on the one who loves them unconditionally.
Please pray for our family and ReMerge during this time. Pray for rest, refocus and revitalization. It's been a long two years, God has taught us much about who we are in Him and what great things He has for us. There was a time a few months ago that I wondered if this was really the end. I can see how God has worked in everything we have gone through and I know that it is making us stronger!
We want to thank everyone who has prayed, supported and loved us these last few years. Without all of you we would have given up long ago. You have been such a great encouragement! You will never know the lives that have been touched by your prayers, giving and support. We can't say Thank You enough.
We pray you all have a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year.

A few weeks ago we had to tell the group that comes on Saturday morning that we will not be able to bring breakfast for a few weeks because we would not have an adequate kitchen to do so. They understood but were devastated! It was a really hard day for us! We really needed some time to see where God was taking things. Sometimes you just have to step back and refocus!
We are leaving in 2 days to head back to Missouri for Christmas break. We are excited to see family and friends and just take some time to relax and refocus! We will be coming back to South Florida the beginning of January. Please pray for the men and women who have become such a part of ReMerge. Pray that God will protect and provide for them and that they will stay focused on the one who loves them unconditionally.
Please pray for our family and ReMerge during this time. Pray for rest, refocus and revitalization. It's been a long two years, God has taught us much about who we are in Him and what great things He has for us. There was a time a few months ago that I wondered if this was really the end. I can see how God has worked in everything we have gone through and I know that it is making us stronger!
We want to thank everyone who has prayed, supported and loved us these last few years. Without all of you we would have given up long ago. You have been such a great encouragement! You will never know the lives that have been touched by your prayers, giving and support. We can't say Thank You enough.
We pray you all have a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year.
Friday, October 18, 2013
"Mountains and Valleys"
Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman
Being Brutally Honest is probably on of my real downfalls, this blog will be just that, brutally honest. I am really mad at God right now! I read my Bible all the time and I know all the things it says about having joy in trials and trusting in God and knowing that he meets our needs, but honestly right now it does not feel like God is anywhere around me. I know that is my fault! That is how I feel. I feel angry, defeated, and lost!(This is where I can insert the necessary request, plese pray for me).
I feel like I do everything God is asking me to do. I get up every single day and work as hard as I can possibly work to keep everything going, I put one foot in front of the other and I feel like it does not matter how much I do, it just seems to get worse! My husband told me today that it won't always be this way and my response was: "I'm not so sure that is true. A few hours later, I read this blog post by Pastor Steven Furtick.
"High mountains can be just as difficult and challenging as low valleys.
Most people tend to associate difficult times in their lives with the idea of being in a valley. Maybe it’s a time of depression. Maybe you’ve lost your job or are struggling financially. Maybe your job performance is just suffering. Or maybe you have neglected your walk with God and now you feel distant. And it’s true. These seasons are hard. Terribly hard. You don’t know if there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. And if it’s coming, it can’t come quickly enough.
But there’s a truth no one ever seems to mention: climbing the mountain is also challenging. The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a mountaintop you suddenly arrive at with no work involved. It’s the base of the mountain that you now have to climb. And one that you’ll always be climbing.
The times of success in your life and the times when God is blessing you can be just as challenging as the times in the valley. Just in a different way, because now you’re going uphill. And even when you make it to the so-called mountaintop, it isn’t easy there either. Here’s the truth we want to avoid at all costs:
It’s all hard.
The valleys and the mountains. The low points and getting to the high points and staying at the high points. In the valley you’re trying to survive. And in the mountains you’re trying to thrive. Neither is a walk in the park. That’s not very encouraging. So why share it?
Because it’s reality. Because it confronts an insane line of thinking that many of us cling to: that life is going to one day get to the point where it’s easy. If that’s what we’re waiting for, we’re going to be waiting a long time. The goal of life isn’t to make it to a point where we can breathe easy. It’s to get to heaven breathless. Tired because we’ve been faithfully and passionately following Jesus – through valleys and mountains. So yes, it’s always hard. But our reward in the future makes it worth it. We’ll rest then. And we’ll push on now. Besides, God is doing more in you and through you in your mountains and valleys than you can possibly imagine. That alone should give you joy. No matter where you’re at."
I guess it just hit me because I needed to know that maybe at the end of all of this hard work, there is something to look forward too! I just don't always have the right view of what the reward will be.
So I guess you can pray that God changes my perspective on that too!
Being Brutally Honest is probably on of my real downfalls, this blog will be just that, brutally honest. I am really mad at God right now! I read my Bible all the time and I know all the things it says about having joy in trials and trusting in God and knowing that he meets our needs, but honestly right now it does not feel like God is anywhere around me. I know that is my fault! That is how I feel. I feel angry, defeated, and lost!(This is where I can insert the necessary request, plese pray for me).

"High mountains can be just as difficult and challenging as low valleys.
Most people tend to associate difficult times in their lives with the idea of being in a valley. Maybe it’s a time of depression. Maybe you’ve lost your job or are struggling financially. Maybe your job performance is just suffering. Or maybe you have neglected your walk with God and now you feel distant. And it’s true. These seasons are hard. Terribly hard. You don’t know if there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. And if it’s coming, it can’t come quickly enough.
But there’s a truth no one ever seems to mention: climbing the mountain is also challenging. The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a mountaintop you suddenly arrive at with no work involved. It’s the base of the mountain that you now have to climb. And one that you’ll always be climbing.
The times of success in your life and the times when God is blessing you can be just as challenging as the times in the valley. Just in a different way, because now you’re going uphill. And even when you make it to the so-called mountaintop, it isn’t easy there either. Here’s the truth we want to avoid at all costs:
It’s all hard.
The valleys and the mountains. The low points and getting to the high points and staying at the high points. In the valley you’re trying to survive. And in the mountains you’re trying to thrive. Neither is a walk in the park. That’s not very encouraging. So why share it?
Because it’s reality. Because it confronts an insane line of thinking that many of us cling to: that life is going to one day get to the point where it’s easy. If that’s what we’re waiting for, we’re going to be waiting a long time. The goal of life isn’t to make it to a point where we can breathe easy. It’s to get to heaven breathless. Tired because we’ve been faithfully and passionately following Jesus – through valleys and mountains. So yes, it’s always hard. But our reward in the future makes it worth it. We’ll rest then. And we’ll push on now. Besides, God is doing more in you and through you in your mountains and valleys than you can possibly imagine. That alone should give you joy. No matter where you’re at."
I guess it just hit me because I needed to know that maybe at the end of all of this hard work, there is something to look forward too! I just don't always have the right view of what the reward will be.
So I guess you can pray that God changes my perspective on that too!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
getting there
As many of you have already heard, we are needing to raise $10,000 to help with ReMerge's new growth spurt. We need to get a bunch of equipment and take care of related administrative costs.
I'm happy to announce that not only are we the proud new owners of 20 folding chairs and 5 tables, but, someone has pledged to buy us a box truck to haul it all in as well!
These were our two main goals! However, we still need several other items and need to cover the costs of licensing, tags, insurance, etc. to the tune of $3,050.00 to reach our full goal.
We are now going to be able to facilitate feeding more people and with that, our weekly food expense is raising as well and need more monthly partners giving $30 or more.
To be a part of this ministry, just click on the donate button to the right and you can help change people's lives for all eternity!
I'm happy to announce that not only are we the proud new owners of 20 folding chairs and 5 tables, but, someone has pledged to buy us a box truck to haul it all in as well!
These were our two main goals! However, we still need several other items and need to cover the costs of licensing, tags, insurance, etc. to the tune of $3,050.00 to reach our full goal.
We are now going to be able to facilitate feeding more people and with that, our weekly food expense is raising as well and need more monthly partners giving $30 or more.
To be a part of this ministry, just click on the donate button to the right and you can help change people's lives for all eternity!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Do You Trust Me?????
Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman
Wow, A lot has happened since we last posted. Today marks 2 years since we packed up everything we owned loaded up our big van and headed to South Florida to answer the call God put on our hearts to serve lost, broken, poor and homeless of South Florida.
In the last month, it seems that everything that we have worked so hard for is falling apart, and no matter how hard we try there seems to be nothing we can do about it. There seems to be literally nothing we can do in our power to save it.
So, the rubber has met the road, and God has brought me face to face with the question, Do you Trust Me? I can be really good at talking about trust, but let me tell you these last few weeks have been more than an exercise in walking out that trust. God and I have spent a lot of face time lately talking this out. One thing I do know is that when I feel enabled to let go the more at peace I feel and the more I praise him in this storm, the more certain I am that His plan is perfect.
There is something very freeing about truly facing the future(which seems rather bleak) and saying O.K. God, bring it! Whatever it may be, bring it! Whatever you want God! To be able to say that and mean it irregardless of what that means is where it is at. These past few years I've been scratching the surface of being able to say that and mean it but these last few weeks, God has taken me into a deeper place. He is taking me into the real knowledge that He is good and my security lies only in Him.
This is the scripture God gave me today.
Matthew 6:34 The Message
34 “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
I have to keep resting in knowing that He has good things in the middle of difficult circumstances if I will just press further. Please pray for us over these next few days as we seek God in his next steps for us and ReMerge.
Wow, A lot has happened since we last posted. Today marks 2 years since we packed up everything we owned loaded up our big van and headed to South Florida to answer the call God put on our hearts to serve lost, broken, poor and homeless of South Florida.
In the last month, it seems that everything that we have worked so hard for is falling apart, and no matter how hard we try there seems to be nothing we can do about it. There seems to be literally nothing we can do in our power to save it.
So, the rubber has met the road, and God has brought me face to face with the question, Do you Trust Me? I can be really good at talking about trust, but let me tell you these last few weeks have been more than an exercise in walking out that trust. God and I have spent a lot of face time lately talking this out. One thing I do know is that when I feel enabled to let go the more at peace I feel and the more I praise him in this storm, the more certain I am that His plan is perfect.
There is something very freeing about truly facing the future(which seems rather bleak) and saying O.K. God, bring it! Whatever it may be, bring it! Whatever you want God! To be able to say that and mean it irregardless of what that means is where it is at. These past few years I've been scratching the surface of being able to say that and mean it but these last few weeks, God has taken me into a deeper place. He is taking me into the real knowledge that He is good and my security lies only in Him.
This is the scripture God gave me today.
Matthew 6:34 The Message
34 “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
I have to keep resting in knowing that He has good things in the middle of difficult circumstances if I will just press further. Please pray for us over these next few days as we seek God in his next steps for us and ReMerge.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Making the List
A few weeks ago a young man we had never met before pulled into the parking lot of the park where we serve breakfast and hang out with our friends on Saturday morning. He jumped out of his car all eager to find a hot breakfast. He kinda stared around at everyone sitting at the tables. I think he was looking for an assembly line of people grabbing their to go container of food and when all he saw was a bunch of friends enjoying a picnic at the park, I think he was a little puzzled.
He walked over to us and asked, "I was given a list of places to go for a hot meal and on it they said I could find one here at this park, do you guys know anything about that?" Everyone piped in right away, right here young man, have a seat and we will get you something. Everyone welcomed him into the group, offered up coffee, juice or anything else he needed including a cigarette!
We thought it was pretty cool that we made the list! Not sure how or even what kind of list, but according to him it was a list given out to anyone seeking a place to get a meal. As excited as I was in the moment, A great sense of responsibility fell on us as well.
It was compounded even more by the fact that we were moving out of our house the next day and not sure what kind of cooking situation would be readily available over the next few weeks. Last week we served donuts and fruit because we did not have a kitchen. This week we are planning to purchase an electric skillet to make up breakfast burritos. We are not living in a home right now. We are saving up to put up a large deposit for a rental house, we don't have it right now, but we know God will provide. In the meantime, Please pray God provides everything we need to serve a hot meal on Saturday morning. Consistency is very important for us and the people God has us reaching out too.
Also please pray that God provides for our family exactly what we need and that we don't have to live in temporary housing anymore! I think no matter where we are, we are gonna be at Oakwood Park on Saturday morning serving something for breakfast and hanging out with our friends!
He walked over to us and asked, "I was given a list of places to go for a hot meal and on it they said I could find one here at this park, do you guys know anything about that?" Everyone piped in right away, right here young man, have a seat and we will get you something. Everyone welcomed him into the group, offered up coffee, juice or anything else he needed including a cigarette!
We thought it was pretty cool that we made the list! Not sure how or even what kind of list, but according to him it was a list given out to anyone seeking a place to get a meal. As excited as I was in the moment, A great sense of responsibility fell on us as well.
It was compounded even more by the fact that we were moving out of our house the next day and not sure what kind of cooking situation would be readily available over the next few weeks. Last week we served donuts and fruit because we did not have a kitchen. This week we are planning to purchase an electric skillet to make up breakfast burritos. We are not living in a home right now. We are saving up to put up a large deposit for a rental house, we don't have it right now, but we know God will provide. In the meantime, Please pray God provides everything we need to serve a hot meal on Saturday morning. Consistency is very important for us and the people God has us reaching out too.
Also please pray that God provides for our family exactly what we need and that we don't have to live in temporary housing anymore! I think no matter where we are, we are gonna be at Oakwood Park on Saturday morning serving something for breakfast and hanging out with our friends!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
My really mean side!
Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman
Fair warning that this blog may come off sounding a little mean! If you are reading this please don't take offense. My husband says I can be a little mean sometimes and my kids most likely think that about me more often than not. Many people have had their doubts about us being here in Miami. Many argue that we are in the situation we are in because of this decision.
I have been through a lot in my adult life. Many of those things are a product of stupid mistakes I have made and bad decisions that I wish I could take back. I have experienced much hardship with my health. I was thinking back this morning to the day I was laying on a table with a needle in my back while a doctor was preparing to inject a nice little dose of radiation in a cyst that was causing major health issues for me. So much so there were days that I could not even walk up the stairs in my house to tuck my own kids in bed. I remember the day I sat in a little room in a big hospital saying goodbye to my newborn son and the many years of guilt that followed wondering if I could have done something different so that we could take our baby boy home instead of bury him. I keep wondering if we had just stayed in Missouri and continued to live our lives the way we were with a steady job if we would be in this mess. I don't know if things would have been different because of decisions that we made or didn't make.
Here is what I am absolutely sure of: God is always Good and We are always Loved.
I don't know very much at all! There is so much in my life that is up in the air right now. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I have a lot of questions about all that has happened and a lot of questions about what hasn't happened! There was a time that not having all the answers or not knowing where I was going next or not having the answers for all of these things we are facing right now would have been completely unacceptable to me. I am not good at living in a question mark. I have a plan!(Don't you just love the illusion of control). This is when my mean side comes out. When I don't have control! As my husband might say, this is when the dragon will come out!
Yesterday while at the park having breakfast, Jeff gets the call that the job he had for the day(the job that was going to put a roof over our head tonight)was cancelling. We HAD to have that money. The even worse part was that the job he had scheduled on Monday had also cancelled.. That meant there was nothing on the horizon for us. Talk about question mark! Talk about not having control. Being self employed as we both are right now leaves so many question marks it makes my head spin! But then, God reveals his goodness and shows how much he loves us and by 2:30 we were headed to a job that paid almost twice what he would have made on his earlier job.
Last night I was sitting by the bay while Jeff was finishing up a job. God hit me hard with this reality . Question marks are good! The question marks are what teaches us more just how much God loves us and just how much we can trust him. God put this city on our heart a long time ago and no matter how hard it is I know God has us right where he wants us right now.
I am so grateful today for a God who has been to all the dark places and knows how to travel them with us. We are never alone! God is always good and We are always loved!
Fair warning that this blog may come off sounding a little mean! If you are reading this please don't take offense. My husband says I can be a little mean sometimes and my kids most likely think that about me more often than not. Many people have had their doubts about us being here in Miami. Many argue that we are in the situation we are in because of this decision.
I have been through a lot in my adult life. Many of those things are a product of stupid mistakes I have made and bad decisions that I wish I could take back. I have experienced much hardship with my health. I was thinking back this morning to the day I was laying on a table with a needle in my back while a doctor was preparing to inject a nice little dose of radiation in a cyst that was causing major health issues for me. So much so there were days that I could not even walk up the stairs in my house to tuck my own kids in bed. I remember the day I sat in a little room in a big hospital saying goodbye to my newborn son and the many years of guilt that followed wondering if I could have done something different so that we could take our baby boy home instead of bury him. I keep wondering if we had just stayed in Missouri and continued to live our lives the way we were with a steady job if we would be in this mess. I don't know if things would have been different because of decisions that we made or didn't make.
Here is what I am absolutely sure of: God is always Good and We are always Loved.
I don't know very much at all! There is so much in my life that is up in the air right now. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I have a lot of questions about all that has happened and a lot of questions about what hasn't happened! There was a time that not having all the answers or not knowing where I was going next or not having the answers for all of these things we are facing right now would have been completely unacceptable to me. I am not good at living in a question mark. I have a plan!(Don't you just love the illusion of control). This is when my mean side comes out. When I don't have control! As my husband might say, this is when the dragon will come out!
Yesterday while at the park having breakfast, Jeff gets the call that the job he had for the day(the job that was going to put a roof over our head tonight)was cancelling. We HAD to have that money. The even worse part was that the job he had scheduled on Monday had also cancelled.. That meant there was nothing on the horizon for us. Talk about question mark! Talk about not having control. Being self employed as we both are right now leaves so many question marks it makes my head spin! But then, God reveals his goodness and shows how much he loves us and by 2:30 we were headed to a job that paid almost twice what he would have made on his earlier job.
Last night I was sitting by the bay while Jeff was finishing up a job. God hit me hard with this reality . Question marks are good! The question marks are what teaches us more just how much God loves us and just how much we can trust him. God put this city on our heart a long time ago and no matter how hard it is I know God has us right where he wants us right now.
I am so grateful today for a God who has been to all the dark places and knows how to travel them with us. We are never alone! God is always good and We are always loved!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Refrigerator Rights!
If you have been following us through this journey you know it has definitely been an up and down one.
After talking with our attorney and working through what is the safest and best thing for our family, we have to move. It's not something we wanted or needed to do right now. I will say I am looking forward to living in a house that has a working refrigerator and air conditioning though.
We are asking those that follow what we are doing and have been praying for us, we need your prayers this week. After talking with the attorney yesterday, they feel it is best if we move out before another month of rent is due on the 5th. We don't have all the necessary resources to make the move but as has always been and will always be.....God is faithful.
We have found a house and it is ready for us to move in and is absolutely perfect for our family. Pray that God provides what we need to do this by the deadline of Sunday.
Even more important, please pray that this move is not a distraction for us and that we can stay focused on why we are here and the people God has put in our lives and that no matter what there is not a disruption in our meetings at the park on Saturdays. This time that we spend there is very important and consistency is crucial.
We can't tell all of you how much we appreciate your support, concern and prayers!
After talking with our attorney and working through what is the safest and best thing for our family, we have to move. It's not something we wanted or needed to do right now. I will say I am looking forward to living in a house that has a working refrigerator and air conditioning though.

We have found a house and it is ready for us to move in and is absolutely perfect for our family. Pray that God provides what we need to do this by the deadline of Sunday.
Even more important, please pray that this move is not a distraction for us and that we can stay focused on why we are here and the people God has put in our lives and that no matter what there is not a disruption in our meetings at the park on Saturdays. This time that we spend there is very important and consistency is crucial.
We can't tell all of you how much we appreciate your support, concern and prayers!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Bernie's Big Announcement!
We pulled into the parking lot at the park, pulled out all the tables and chairs, set up all the food, when Bernie walked over to the group and said, "I have an announcement to make. Do you know what tithe is?" As we acknowledged him, he proceeded to tell us that he was reminded the night before of a lady with quite a few kids who came to church when he was younger. He said she would come every week and give what she could. He knew she did not have much but he remembered her putting something in the offering every single week. So he handed us some money and said here is my tithe.
Bernie has been part of our group longer than most. He's been homeless for a long time. He's been very sick and in and out of the hospital and certainly does not have the money to give to ReMerge or anyone else for that matter. He gave out of obedience!
Almost 2 years ago we packed up everything we owned and put it in storage and with $100 in our pockets we stepped out in faith and obeyed what we felt God calling us to do. God provided and within a few days we were on our way. These past 2 years have been the hardest of my life. I wouldn't change it for anything but there have been many times that I wanted to give up. I know we can't. We can't because we know God wants us here. Like Bernie, when we know God is telling us to do something, we must be obedient.
On August 1st we need to be in a new home. We don't have the ability to do that right now. Please pray that God provides what we need by the time we need it and that we stay faithful to what and who God has called us too!

Almost 2 years ago we packed up everything we owned and put it in storage and with $100 in our pockets we stepped out in faith and obeyed what we felt God calling us to do. God provided and within a few days we were on our way. These past 2 years have been the hardest of my life. I wouldn't change it for anything but there have been many times that I wanted to give up. I know we can't. We can't because we know God wants us here. Like Bernie, when we know God is telling us to do something, we must be obedient.
On August 1st we need to be in a new home. We don't have the ability to do that right now. Please pray that God provides what we need by the time we need it and that we stay faithful to what and who God has called us too!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
A Shocking Experience
So about a month ago we started having trouble with our appliances, mainly our
refrigerator. One day I woke up and it just wasn't running right. So we immediately notified our landlord who brought in another- not working so right-refrigerator. This one came with the added bonus of shocking you every time you touched it. Although it may be a good way to lose weight, not so good with a house full of kids. So we notified the landlord again, who brought in yet another refrigerator. After a few days it wasn't running right either. It turns out we live in a house that is not grounded well nor does it have enough power to run any real major appliances which would explain the lack of air conditioning. We have been very thankful for our house and have absolutley no desire to move, but after the power company, the electrician and the city tried to convince the owner the best thing to do was make the home safe and habitable, it seems the owner may not be interested in doing that.
So it looks like we will have to move. This is not something we want to do or for that matter can really afford at all to do, but looks like we may not have any choice. Today we looked at a house that was perfect for us. It is the house that I have been looking for since we moved here. We need far more money than we have right now to get into it.
We had just now started to really get back on track after Jeff'''s surgery and finally starting to equalize when this started to happen. We have been pouring everything we have into ReMerge and its growth.
We have to raise around $4000 to make this move. Please pray that God provides what we need, whether it is this house or another house. If you have ever thought about supporting ReMerge and the work God is doing in South Florida email us. There is so much going on and so many people being touched by God's love for them. Please pray this is not a distraction or something that sidetracks us from what God wants us to be doing.
refrigerator. One day I woke up and it just wasn't running right. So we immediately notified our landlord who brought in another- not working so right-refrigerator. This one came with the added bonus of shocking you every time you touched it. Although it may be a good way to lose weight, not so good with a house full of kids. So we notified the landlord again, who brought in yet another refrigerator. After a few days it wasn't running right either. It turns out we live in a house that is not grounded well nor does it have enough power to run any real major appliances which would explain the lack of air conditioning. We have been very thankful for our house and have absolutley no desire to move, but after the power company, the electrician and the city tried to convince the owner the best thing to do was make the home safe and habitable, it seems the owner may not be interested in doing that.
So it looks like we will have to move. This is not something we want to do or for that matter can really afford at all to do, but looks like we may not have any choice. Today we looked at a house that was perfect for us. It is the house that I have been looking for since we moved here. We need far more money than we have right now to get into it.
We had just now started to really get back on track after Jeff'''s surgery and finally starting to equalize when this started to happen. We have been pouring everything we have into ReMerge and its growth.
We have to raise around $4000 to make this move. Please pray that God provides what we need, whether it is this house or another house. If you have ever thought about supporting ReMerge and the work God is doing in South Florida email us. There is so much going on and so many people being touched by God's love for them. Please pray this is not a distraction or something that sidetracks us from what God wants us to be doing.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
More Than A Meal To Go
Ripped off!

Death of Compassion
With stories like this, we’ve found that many homeless people are in the situation they are in because of reasons other than addictions. Regardless of the situation, the homeless are stuck with the stigma that they are less than human. This attitude makes the road to recovery amazingly hard and often results in a further decent mentally and physically into the gutter. In today’s information age where everything is automated and little to no real human interaction happens, compassion seems to be a thing of the past.
More than a Meal To-Go
Although a meal is what many of the homeless need, ReMerge is much more than a meal in a to-go box. Merge means water and water is life. To bring new life to those who are dead to society is our mission. It only take 30 minutes to feed breakfast in the park, so why are we in the park for nearly 2 hours? We are building relationships with people hungry for community and compassion, we are re-building hope.
Will work for beer
The homeless are known for flying signs at intersections, begging for money. However, the ones you see are a small representation of the homeless population. Mike and Tracy never panhandled. Mike took what ever work he could find. Many times he helped me move people, deliver couches or other furniture and helped me assemble IKEA furniture. His work ethic and attitude were always good despite his situation. About 6 months ago, they were able to leave their tent and move into a small apartment after living on the streets for over a year.
New growth
ReMerge’s outreach is growing and we need the equipment to handle the new growth. Not only do we need the food service equipment, we need a larger vehicle to transport it. The vehicle will double as a source of income for those willing to work and learn a new trade. Following is a list of the items we need and the costs of the items. Now is your chance to offer hope in an age of hopelessness, to be the light in a dark world.
ReMerge’s goal - $10,000
Items needed Item cost
Food Service Equipment - $ 240
Generator - 450
4 folding tables - 240
20 folding chairs - 220
4 portable canopies - 320
Truck - 6,500
Misc. tools - 400
Licenses, permits & Insurance 1,230
Administrative 400
Food Service Equipment - $ 240
Generator - 450
4 folding tables - 240
20 folding chairs - 220
4 portable canopies - 320
Truck - 6,500
Misc. tools - 400
Licenses, permits & Insurance 1,230
Administrative 400
TOTAL $10,000
To be a part, small or large, of this opportunity, you can either click on the donate button in the upper right hand area of this blog or if you do not want to use the paypal option you can email us at remerge@hotmail.com or you can mail a check to "ReMerge, Inc." 31 SW 7th Street, Hallandale, FL 33009. Please give today and please help us spread the word by sharing this blog!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
out of time
Dwayne has a family, but, nobody knows where they are. He has a last name, but, nobody knows what it is. He has been hurt before and does not let anyone in. It took him 6 months just to come to breakfast because he sure doesn't trust anyone who says they are doing something because God told them to do it.
Lately Dwayne has been coming more frequently and even opened up a little, asking how Ruthie is doing in her swim, giving the twins a hard time in good sport. A little while back, he looked me in the eye and shook my hand and said, "thanks Jeff, it's a really good thing you're doing hear, it helps a lot of people."
Friday night around mid-night, Dwayne was hit by a train and died on the scene, 50 years old.
You gotta love 'em while you got 'em.
I would have loved to have more time with Dwayne. Please pray that we can reach them, before God calls them home.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Empty Hands
We had just put the last of the chairs into the van. There was only a snack bag left which we had just handed to Bernie because he was late arriving and there was nothing else to give him.
Within a few minutes a pickup pulled into the park. It was a family we had seen before. They were curious but had always kept their distance. The door opened and out came 2 younger kids with their pregnant big sister, their mom and their grandma. The sisters boyfriend had gone off to work and dropped them off at the park. They walked over to the benches and just sat for a few minutes before the mother got up enough courage to walk over and talk with me. She asked me if we were giving anything away. My heart sank in my chest as I told her that we had given away everything. Even the jelly was all gone. All I had left was about a half a gallon of water. As I grabbed the jug and some cups she walked away to give her family a drink. I was trying to hold back the tears as I walked back over to Jeff devasted that we had nothing to offer. I had $1.00 in quarters to my name when I arrived at the park and had already handed that to somone else.
This past Saturday was a chilling reminder of why we are here. It was also a chilling reminder of how much there is to do and how far we have to go.
Our vision is to someday have a facility to prepare and serve out of so that we never have to turn anyone away empty handed. Please pray that God provides in big ways! Please pray for Bernie who is very sick. Please pray that God provides that right amount of what we need every week. Please pray that we don't get discouraged when it feels like that all that we are left with is empty hands.
Tomorrow night we are planning a BBQ meal at the park. Right now we do not have everything we need to make this happen. Please pray God provides for everything and everyone who comes!

This past Saturday was a chilling reminder of why we are here. It was also a chilling reminder of how much there is to do and how far we have to go.
Our vision is to someday have a facility to prepare and serve out of so that we never have to turn anyone away empty handed. Please pray that God provides in big ways! Please pray for Bernie who is very sick. Please pray that God provides that right amount of what we need every week. Please pray that we don't get discouraged when it feels like that all that we are left with is empty hands.
Tomorrow night we are planning a BBQ meal at the park. Right now we do not have everything we need to make this happen. Please pray God provides for everything and everyone who comes!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
pouring rain

After getting everyone served, I sat down and someone asked me how the new job was going. I replied, "great! until they laid me off yesterday." They were a little shocked, but, understood completely. It sparked a conversation or should I say competition about the shortest jobs they ever held.
A few minutes later one of them said, "Jeff, it looks like your van tire is going flat". I snapped my sore neck around and looked and sure enough, the spare donut was pretty low and within 20 minutes, it was flat.
Anna, one of the ladies that has been coming regularly leaned over to me and motioned me close. I leaned over a little, a little cautious, as you never can tell what someone will say, and she handed me $1. She said, "here, it's not much, but, it's to help with the tire". I didn't want to take it, but, the sincerity in her eyes made me take it. That $1 was probably all she had and she could have bought something to eat later, but, she wanted to be a blessing and I could not deny her that.
Anna gave everything and she didn't have to. In fact nobody in the world would ever expect her to and the only thing that could ever explain her compulsion would be that compassion is being renewed inside her.
Regardless of the daily battles that rage all around us and captivate our every thought. Compassion and generosity can come in the most unusual forms and circumstances and when it does, it reminds me that God is working and the little that we do, when exemplified by God, can make a huge and significant difference in peoples lives.
Please pray for the ladies living on the streets here in South Florida, that God will provide shelter, food and clothing and that he will restore love in their hearts.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
chain gang hot!
Now that it's hurricane season and not tourist season, the majority of the homeless we have gotten to know and built relationships with are not being swept off to jail. The police have relaxed thier efforts of "cleaning up the streets". However a new problem has risen and that's the heat index. No, not the Miami Heat, they are hot, but, not what I'm talking about.
It seams that our homeless people have been suffering from the heat and it's landing them in the hospitals. In fact, Wendy is headed to the hospital right now to visit a lady who has been admited for a couple days now. She is just one of at least five that have had to go to the E.R. in the past week.
We've seen an increase lately of not only hospital admissions, but, in our Saturday morning breakfast attendance, in fact it's doubled in size and it's a very diverse group, ladies, youth, old guys, black, white, hispanic. All very greatful for a hot breakfast, coffee, juice, a snack bag and most of all companionship. They show up in droves, some take the bus, some drive the car they are living in, some ride bikes, but, most walk.
We had so many show up today that we ran out of everything and even had to turn some away without any food at all. It breaks my heart knowing they are going away hungry and I'm going home to my kitchen, family, roof, bed, etc.
Please pray for us, that we can handle this surge in new growth.
Please pray for those in the hospital that they will recover quickly.
Please pray for those on the streets with nothing, that they'll come to the realization that God really does love them.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Do you have the Audacity?
"The tragedy of our time is that we've taken what was meant to be ordinary and made it exceptional. We've declared audacity off limits." Stephen Furtick/Sun Stand Still
Some of you have heard me talk about this book. Here is an excerpt:
"From every angle this story showcases the kind of audacity we're after. And it all hinges on a preposterous prayer. As the chapter opens, we read that five opposing Amorite armies were planning to attack. Having decided to strike first, Joshua led his entire army toward the Amorites on an all-night march. Sometime during that march, God spoke to Joshua. He told him 'Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.'
Some of you have heard me talk about this book. Here is an excerpt:

At dawn, the Israelites unleashed a surprise attack, and right from the beginning the battle went well. When the enemy lines broke, and the Amorites started to flee into the valley, Joshua's men chased them down. And God got personally involved. 'As they fled before Israel,' the account reads, 'the Lord hurled large hailstones down on them from the sky.' Then, as the sun sank toward the horizon, Joshua faced a decision. The victory wasn't complete, and once it got dark, the rest of the Amorites would slip away. But Joshua was determined to fight on. Perhaps he realized that if he didn't destroy the enemy now, Israel's conquest of Canaan would grind to a halt. Maybe he knew that anything less than total victory would conceal God's presence and glory. Besides, he remembered God's promise in the night.
Most of us would have called it a day. I've done all I can do. I've exhausted every option. I've given it all I've got. But Joshua wasn't most people. He refused to go out like that. That wasn't the way it was supposed to end. This was where his audacious faith began. Joshua sized up the situation, summoned all his available courage, and delivered one of the most gloriously unorthodox prayers in the entire Bible: " O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon." (verse 12)
Joshua had the audacity to ask God to make the sun stop in the sky. To freeze time on behalf of His people. According to scripture, God gave Joshua exactly what he ordered. Just when the Amorites were hanging on for the cover of darkness, darkness never came. Just when they thought the curtains were about to drop on their day from hell, God came out for an encore.
"The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like before or since...surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!" (verses 13-14)
If you know me then you know I am pretty skeptical person. I would say that I am a realist although my husband would just say that I am not very optimistic. This passage of scripture always gets me. The thing is, I do believe in the power of prayer. I believe the Bible when it says we have not because we ask not. I just don't know how to get it from my head to my heart!
When I read scripture I see example after example of people who prayed prayers and seas were parted, people were healed, dead were raised, teenagers took out giants with pebbles. What I see in scripture is that "radical, audacious" prayers were not the exception, they were the norm. Today I received a daily prayer request from Verve. A church that was planted in Las Vegas, NV. A church very near and dear to our hearts. Their prayer request for today was this: Please pray that God inspires someone to give us a building or land for a building on Las Vegas Boulevard. When I first read it I thought, WOW. That was bold. audacious even, then I remembered this story about Joshua and and all the other stories like his and realized how small I can make God sometimes.
When I look at the broken world around us, the magitude of the problems and issues can seem huge and impenetrable, but here's the deal. God didn't just put us here to survive. He put us here to transform the world around us. That transformation comes when we come to trust and believe in the very nature of who God is. It compels us to walk in deeper faith, praying audacious prayers, and expecting God to show up and do what He says he is going to do. Joshua was nothing special. He just knew and trusted in who God was.
So there is a lot of work for us to do. We are going to pray bold, risky audaciouis prayers and we know that God is going to do what he says He will do. We will be sending out regular prayer requests again starting tomorrow. If you want to get on board praying with us. You can sign up at remerge@hotmail.com
More to come tomorrow!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Light rises!
Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman
"And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness and your night will become like the noonday." Isaiah 58:10
There is a young man that has been coming for breakfast on Saturday morning. He is very quiet. I don't even know his name. I am not sure he has quite gotten comfortable enough to tell us what it is. He usually comes, grabs a plate and sits waaay on the other side of the park at another table. One time while getting his food he complimented Jeff on his gravy, but that is about the extent of any conversation we have had with him. He really keeps to himself.
Honestly it is a pretty typical situation for most of them when they start coming. It is very hard for them to trust. They take a very arms folded approach in the beginning. It's o.k. We don't push them in any way, we know time is what they need to feel assured.
But, this last week, this young man brought a friend! To me that is one of the biggest steps and he probably does not even know it. To feel comfortable enough with us and the situation to invite another person into it.
I think that is what Isaiah is talking about in the verse above, that is what he means when he says that our light will rise in the darkness.
Please pray that as each new person comes that they feel welcomed, loved and assured that they are accepted and needed. Please pray that God's light would be what they see.
"And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness and your night will become like the noonday." Isaiah 58:10
There is a young man that has been coming for breakfast on Saturday morning. He is very quiet. I don't even know his name. I am not sure he has quite gotten comfortable enough to tell us what it is. He usually comes, grabs a plate and sits waaay on the other side of the park at another table. One time while getting his food he complimented Jeff on his gravy, but that is about the extent of any conversation we have had with him. He really keeps to himself.
Honestly it is a pretty typical situation for most of them when they start coming. It is very hard for them to trust. They take a very arms folded approach in the beginning. It's o.k. We don't push them in any way, we know time is what they need to feel assured.
But, this last week, this young man brought a friend! To me that is one of the biggest steps and he probably does not even know it. To feel comfortable enough with us and the situation to invite another person into it.
I think that is what Isaiah is talking about in the verse above, that is what he means when he says that our light will rise in the darkness.
Please pray that as each new person comes that they feel welcomed, loved and assured that they are accepted and needed. Please pray that God's light would be what they see.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Love like that
Blog Post by Wendy Kauffman
Brian comes every Saturday to the breakfast we provide for the homeless. He is almost always waiting for us. We can barely get the van parked and there he is ready to open the door, unload everything and to talk. I know he comes every week to eat, but more than anything else he comes to just unload about his week and in some ways I think to make sure we are still there. I think it is a way to reorient their week. They crave the consistency of the community. Brian puts on a tough guy front. There are times when you can tell he is really afraid. We like to talk about movies and the West Coast. He dreams someday of living in Montana.
A couple of weeks ago, as I was helping serve up plates I looked at how many were there. Every week it seems that there are 2-3 new faces. It is getting harder to remember every ones name. We did not have enough table space and chairs for every one. We barely had enough food and we are now taking three big thermoses of coffee. I almost cried. I felt very overwhelmed by how great their needs are and how little we have to offer.
Isaiah 42:6-7
“I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you, and I will give you to my people, Israel, as a symbol of my covenant with them. And you will be a light to guide the nations. 7.You will open the eyes of the blind. You will free the captives from prison, releasing those who sit in dark dungeons. Isaiah 42:6-7

A couple of weeks ago, as I was helping serve up plates I looked at how many were there. Every week it seems that there are 2-3 new faces. It is getting harder to remember every ones name. We did not have enough table space and chairs for every one. We barely had enough food and we are now taking three big thermoses of coffee. I almost cried. I felt very overwhelmed by how great their needs are and how little we have to offer.
I have been reading in Isaiah and I love this scripture in Chapter 42. I ask God all the time, How can we we do this? How can we set captives free and release people from the dark dungeons. We just have nothing to give right now. A few days ago I read this passage in Ephesians:1-2,Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.
I was thinking about this the other night when I was up late, praying that night that Brian would not be afriad, no matter where he was. I think I caught a glimpse of what the world might look like if all of us who say we follow God would really do this. Really follow God, into the unknown, into the pain, into the love that brings hope and freedom.
Please pray that we would love courageously, and that God's outrageous love would be poured into other people's lives through us.
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