Ripped off!

Mike and Tracy were very excited about the new venture they were diving into. The life long dream of leaving the daily rat race and opening a business of their own was finally going to happen. Their new partner had great ideas and a confidence that was contagious. They went ahead and signed the papers at the bank for a second mortgage to finance the new I.T. company that was sure to be a huge success. They took the loan proceeds and bought all the equipment they needed to not only build and maintain business networks, but, to host web pages and provide internet services. Just imagine their horror when a couple weeks later they walked into their newly leased office and everything, including their partner, was gone without a trace. With no income, product or capital, it didn’t take long for them to lose everything.
Death of Compassion
With stories like this, we’ve found that many homeless people are in the situation they are in because of reasons other than addictions. Regardless of the situation, the homeless are stuck with the stigma that they are less than human. This attitude makes the road to recovery amazingly hard and often results in a further decent mentally and physically into the gutter. In today’s information age where everything is automated and little to no real human interaction happens, compassion seems to be a thing of the past.
More than a Meal To-Go
Although a meal is what many of the homeless need, ReMerge is much more than a meal in a to-go box. Merge means water and water is life. To bring new life to those who are dead to society is our mission. It only take 30 minutes to feed breakfast in the park, so why are we in the park for nearly 2 hours? We are building relationships with people hungry for community and compassion, we are re-building hope.
Will work for beer
The homeless are known for flying signs at intersections, begging for money. However, the ones you see are a small representation of the homeless population. Mike and Tracy never panhandled. Mike took what ever work he could find. Many times he helped me move people, deliver couches or other furniture and helped me assemble IKEA furniture. His work ethic and attitude were always good despite his situation. About 6 months ago, they were able to leave their tent and move into a small apartment after living on the streets for over a year.
New growth
ReMerge’s outreach is growing and we need the equipment to handle the new growth. Not only do we need the food service equipment, we need a larger vehicle to transport it. The vehicle will double as a source of income for those willing to work and learn a new trade. Following is a list of the items we need and the costs of the items. Now is your chance to offer hope in an age of hopelessness, to be the light in a dark world.
ReMerge’s goal - $10,000
Items needed Item cost
Food Service Equipment - $ 240
Generator - 450
4 folding tables - 240
20 folding chairs - 220
4 portable canopies - 320
Truck - 6,500
Misc. tools - 400
Licenses, permits & Insurance 1,230
Administrative 400
TOTAL $10,000
To be a part, small or large, of this opportunity, you can either click on the donate button in the upper right hand area of this blog or if you do not want to use the paypal option you can email us at or you can mail a check to "ReMerge, Inc." 31 SW 7th Street, Hallandale, FL 33009. Please give today and please help us spread the word by sharing this blog!