In 2004 an Iranian man proposed to a woman and the woman turned him down. He was so enraged at the rejection that he threw acid in her face, blinding and disfiguring her for life. After the process of law, in 2008 he was sentenced to submit to acid being poured into his eyes by the hand of the victim. Today, was judgment day. As he was on his knees with his face up, she was handed the acid and as she held it over his face, which must have seemed like an eternity to the man. She drew it back refusing to return evil for evil and proclaimed that she forgave him. Giving him back life as he knew it.
With Miami being the 4th rudest city in the U.S., it does not take a lot of imagination to realize there isn't a whole lot of love being spread around. This will probably be one of our biggest challenges, because it's hard to love people that are rude to you. You naturally want to see them fall flat on their face, get a bloody nose and bleed all over themselves right before they have to go into a big meeting or something. It just feels good to see people get what they deserve.
A lawyer asked Jesus how he could have eternal life and Jesus turned it right back on him and asked what the law said about it. (In Luke 10:27-28) He answered, "‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself." "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."
It seems Jesus is saying that Love is the essence of life. Without it, we are just walking around, dead in our own skins, but with Love, we truly live.
When we move to Miami to start a church for people that don't like church, we are going to teach them how to Love, so that they can begin to Live.
is a blog about Jeff and Wendy Kauffman and an outreach to the poor they started on the streets of South Florida with the goal of eventually starting a church for the unchurched, dechurched and unbelievers in Miami. A church for people that don't like church, reaching the ones furthest from Christ and introducing them to a loving God
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
In a very good article by Dan Kimball called "6 common perceptions of Christians" he writes:
"Alicia, a 24-year-old that I talked with at the local coffeehouse, made this observation: Church leaders seem to focus more on acting like businessmen, raising funds to build bigger buildings for their own organized religious corporations, than they do on taking the time to teach about social action for the poor and marginalized. I think Jesus would’ve cared more about raising money for the poor than building yet another mini-mall church."
I have to tell you this was the very reason I stayed away from church for many years and even after God brought me back into church, it's remained on mind. I think the church has marginalized the poor so much that now the world in turn has marginalized most of the church.
When we move to Miami, to start a church for people that don't like church, we want to break through the "fortress-church" mentality and go out into the world and heal the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the poor and set the captives free. One way we're going to do this is get involved right away with feeding the poor by volunteering with organizations that are already doing this. There are very few "soup kitchens" in Miami and they are spread far apart and not easy to get to. While volunteering, we can assess the need and find the best place to open a free cafe' for the poor.

I have to tell you this was the very reason I stayed away from church for many years and even after God brought me back into church, it's remained on mind. I think the church has marginalized the poor so much that now the world in turn has marginalized most of the church.
When we move to Miami, to start a church for people that don't like church, we want to break through the "fortress-church" mentality and go out into the world and heal the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the poor and set the captives free. One way we're going to do this is get involved right away with feeding the poor by volunteering with organizations that are already doing this. There are very few "soup kitchens" in Miami and they are spread far apart and not easy to get to. While volunteering, we can assess the need and find the best place to open a free cafe' for the poor.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
self illumination
(Reuters) - South Korean scientists said on Wednesday they have created a glowing dog using a cloning technique that could help find cures for human diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, Yonhap news agency reported.
A research team from Seoul National University (SNU) said the genetically modified female beagle, named Tegon and born in 2009, has been found to glow fluorescent green under ultraviolet light if given a doxycycline antibiotic, the report said.
The researchers, who completed a two-year test, said the ability to glow can be turned on or off by adding a drug to the dog's food.
A research team from Seoul National University (SNU) said the genetically modified female beagle, named Tegon and born in 2009, has been found to glow fluorescent green under ultraviolet light if given a doxycycline antibiotic, the report said.
The researchers, who completed a two-year test, said the ability to glow can be turned on or off by adding a drug to the dog's food.
I don't know about you, but, I want some! It definately has "best prank of the year" potential. However, if you were a ninja it would totally blow your cover.
Monday, July 25, 2011

A few years ago, when Wendy and I started a youth group from scratch in the Columbia Vineyard Church, our vision was to reach kids that were very far from God. It was very soon that we started getting kids that came from terrible home situations that were living in foster care. One particular kid, James, was our first outside the church kid to come in. He was an amazing kid that felt comfortable where ever he was. It wasn't long before he had us all by the heart. Within two months, he was moved into another home and was not able to come anymore. Our hearts broke.
We just couldn't understand how God could give us a kid like that and rip him out of our lives just as fast as he got there. It was then that God spoke, he said, "you have to love 'em while you got 'em". That phrase became our unwriten mission statement. You never know when the last time you are going to see someone is.
I've been reading in Colossians and was struck by something Paul said in Chapter 4, verse 5. It says:
"Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time."
I love this! Not only does Paul imply that we will have interaction with non-believers and that we should be wise when we do, he goes further by saying walk towards them. In other words, be purposeful in going where the non-believers are and on top of that, use the time you have with them like you may not get another chance.
It's so important to not only search out the lost, but, love 'em while you got 'em, because they might be gone tomorrow, forever.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
supply and demand
Just got back from a long weekend in Springfield, Missouri where Wendy was attending the Jordan Essentials yearly convention. I spent all of Friday and Saturday at the pool with the kids along with a few dozen other dads. One thing we found out is that there is only a handful of other Jordan Essential representatives in the state of Florida. This is a little scary for Wendy since she will be the only active rep in South Florida. She is pretty used to having good support locally from her up line. A convenience she will have to learn to do without. This will cause her to have to be very innovative in getting the word out about the superior skin care products that Jordan Essentials sells.
When you think about it, it's going to be the same story for starting a church in Miami for people that don't like church. We are going to have to be very innovative in getting the word out that we are there. It's kind of funny how we are going to be facing the same challenges in everything we do when we first get to Miami. I guess it will be a way to keep us focused on the mission.
Please pray that when we get to Miami that we will be able to tap into different groups of people and will be able to network. Where there is no network of people, please pray that God will help us be innovative in creating networks.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
clay dough
I love the idea of recycling. Not for the usual reason of saving the environment or being a good steward of the earth, which is all okay. I like that we can take a resource like aluminum or plastic and use it to hold a beverage and then when the beverage is gone, use that same resource to make a park bench or an engine block.
I guess it goes back to my days of playing with a can of clay dough. You can make all kinds of different things with clay dough and when you're done, you stuff it back in the can and put it away for future use.
I like recycling because that's what God does. He takes old used up and broken people and sees the important resources they are and reshapes them and turns them into something new.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I was talking to a Realtor that's looking for a house for us in the North Miami area. I made the statement that I was suprised there were so few churches in the area (42) and I asked her why she thought that was. Her reply was that people in the area are just not that interested. I was going to ask her why she thought so, but, before I could, she explained. She said, "I am one of Jahovah's Witnesses and I have noticed when we go out that people just don't want to hear it."
One of the great things about being a follower of Jesus is, there is hope, real hope. We have the greatest message there is, the message of reconciliation between God and man. The thing is, you don't have to be an awesome speaker or preacher to share this message. Anyone can do it!
One of the things I learned working with political campaigns is that you must have 3 points of contact to make a positive impact on a potential voter. Likewise, when we move to Miami to start a church for people that are just not that interested, we will be canvassing the neighborhoods with mailbox hangers, door mail and neighborhood events (like block parties), because I think everyone is interested in real hope.
One of the great things about being a follower of Jesus is, there is hope, real hope. We have the greatest message there is, the message of reconciliation between God and man. The thing is, you don't have to be an awesome speaker or preacher to share this message. Anyone can do it!
One of the things I learned working with political campaigns is that you must have 3 points of contact to make a positive impact on a potential voter. Likewise, when we move to Miami to start a church for people that are just not that interested, we will be canvassing the neighborhoods with mailbox hangers, door mail and neighborhood events (like block parties), because I think everyone is interested in real hope.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
counting beans
Of the 2.2 million people living in Miami-Dade County, 160,000 (7.2%) live within a 4 mile radius of North Miami.
Of the 1080 churches located in Miami-Dade County, 42 (3.8%) are located within a 4 mile radius of North Miami.
The average church attendance in Miami-Dade County is 295 people per church.
A projected 12,390 (7.75%) people in North Miami attend church, leaving 147,610 (92.25%) people within a 4 mile radius of North Miami un-churched.
North Miami is the most un-churched area of Miami, why is this? Well, because most of the churches are out in the suburbs, leaving the vast inner-city population unreached. North Miami has the most need and is the area where we want to be located.
Please pray that God will provide a perfect location in North Miami and that we will be very successful in reaching the lost masses.
Monday, July 18, 2011
So the other day, Ruthie, who just turned 9, said to me, "Daddy, I want someone to take me out to the deep end and throw me in!"
When we move to Miami to start a church for people who don't like church, we are not going to force anyone of them into the pool of Christianity. We'll prepare them and lead them to the water, but, it will be totally up to them how far and how fast they'll jump in. Once they do jump in and want to push into more dangerous waters, we'll be there with them. In fact we'll have open "next step" classes for them. One will be called "Going Deeper" and another with be called "Sub-Merge" were they can do just that.
How about you? Are you satisfied with sitting on the steps getting wet up to your waist? Or, do you want to jump in yelling "CANNON BALL!"
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Reading Ephesians 2 today which sets out the case of grace and faith vs. working and earning our way to heaven. So, the question arises, "should I try to avoid being perfect and not do any good works (as if that effort would be exhausting) having faith that Gods grace is sufficient? Paul answers that in previously read books - he says "God forbid!"
However, if we try to do "good" things to get in good graces with God, so he favors us and answers our prayers, then, we are simply trying to earn his love.
I believe we should allow God to change us. Eph 2:10 says, "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
We cannot change ourselves, we are who we are which is who God made us to be. When we look to God and simply love him back there is a super natural change that happens. Jesus said I only do what I see the Father doing. He did not do any "good works" without first being shown by the Father what to do. The key is that he was always watching the Father, talking to him, listening to him, waiting for him.
So, what about you? Are you focusing on being good or are you focusing on the father?
However, if we try to do "good" things to get in good graces with God, so he favors us and answers our prayers, then, we are simply trying to earn his love.
I believe we should allow God to change us. Eph 2:10 says, "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
We cannot change ourselves, we are who we are which is who God made us to be. When we look to God and simply love him back there is a super natural change that happens. Jesus said I only do what I see the Father doing. He did not do any "good works" without first being shown by the Father what to do. The key is that he was always watching the Father, talking to him, listening to him, waiting for him.
So, what about you? Are you focusing on being good or are you focusing on the father?
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
old junker
I had a friend, when I was 14 years old, who's dad bought him an old '41 Mercury coup that was sitting under a tree for at least 20 years. Most people would look at the old junker and have it hauled off to the junk yard. But, he saw something different. He saw what it could become. I would go over after school and on the weekends and helped him tear it down to the frame. Finally one day I asked him how long it would take to get it all finished and he said probably 3 or 4 years ...... After I heard that, my heart sunk. I was fully intending on cruising around in an awesome old car as soon as we turned 16.
I think it's important to realize that not only will God forgive people that fall, but, we need to be willing to forgive them too. Otherwise, it may end up dampering the restoration process and that's exactly the opposite of what we're doing here. But, it takes time for restoration and it takes seeing the person as God sees that person. So, is there someone you need to be forgiving? Maybe you should start that restoration process, it will probably take some time and some hard work, but, in the end it's probably gonna be beautiful.
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